10 Simple Ways To Purify Your Water At Home

You might know that drinking water is essential to your health. You may even be familiar with the term “purify” and have an idea of what it means. 

But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a clear understanding of how exactly to purify water at home, especially if you want something simpler than boiling or using bottled water. 

In this article we will explore several different options for purifying your own drinking water at home from simple and inexpensive methods all the way up to high-tech equipment that requires professional installation.

Importance of Water Purification
Different Methods of Water Purification
Top 10 Effective Ways to Purify Water
Choosing the Right Water Purification System
Dangers of Drinking Impure Water

Water Filter Pitchers

A water filter pitcher is an easy and convenient way to purify your water at home. They’re portable, so you can take them anywhere with you. 

They also have replaceable filters that you can purchase online or at a local hardware store. You just fill the pitcher with water, let it sit for 3-4 hours or overnight, then pour out clean drinking water!

This method of purification is simple—and it works!

When it comes to water filtration, relying on tap water alone may not always be the best choice. Check out our guide on the dangers of drinking impure water and learn about the various contaminants present in it.

Water Distillers

Water distillers are an effective way to purify water, though they’re more expensive than other methods. 

They work by boiling the water and then collecting the steam that rises from it. The steam is then condensed back into liquid form, leaving impurities behind.

Water distillers are easy to use: all you have to do is pour tap or filtered water into a reservoir and press a button. 

Some models can produce up to six gallons of clean water per day (this depends on several variables). That’s enough for drinking, bathing, washing dishes and doing laundry!

The downside? Water distillers cost hundreds of dollars—much more than filters or UV lights. However, if you have the money available for one these gadgets may be worth it since they last longer than other methods of purifying your H2O

Best Water Distillers

DurastillAutomatic shut-off and post-treatment
MegahomeStainless steel interior and glass container
H2o LabsGlass carafe and VOC filter
Pure WaterStainless steel construction and removable boiling tank
Waterwise8000 model has an electronic monitor and shuts off automatically

These water distillers are great for producing pure and clean drinking water at home. Each brand featured has unique qualities that cater to different preferences and needs.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

Reverse osmosis water filters use pressure to force water through a membrane that blocks larger particles and allows smaller particles to pass through. 

This filtration technique is very effective in removing contaminants from the water, but it does not remove viruses.

Reverse osmosis filters are available for home use and come in a variety of sizes, depending on your needs. 

You can also buy reverse osmosis systems that include pre-filters and ultraviolet treatments to further purify the water before it gets sent out into your household plumbing system.

Without proper navigation skills, surviving in the wilderness can become a nightmare. Our comprehensive guide on wilderness navigation covers everything you need to know, from using a map and compass to finding water sources.

Whole House Water Filters

Whole house water filters are a good choice for people who want to purify their drinking and cooking water, as well as the water in their bathroom sinks. 

These systems can be installed either on the main water line to your home or at any point along your plumbing system, including directly to the dishwasher or washing machine. 

They’re also an effective way to clean up after a flood if you have a flood recovery team in place ready to start cleaning up your home as soon as possible

Top Whole House Water Filters

Aquasana6-year warranty and multi-stage filtration
PentairOneFlow technology for scale reduction and no electricity needed
SpringWellLow maintenance and advanced catalytic carbon media
Home MasterHuge filter cartridges and oversized filters for thorough filtration
iSpringDual gradient sediment filter and four-layer filtration

These top whole house water filters are recommended for those who want clean and safe water throughout their entire home. Each brand has unique features that cater to different preferences and needs.

Uv Water Purifier

The most effective method of purifying water is UV light. Ultraviolet (UV) light is the same type of radiation that gives you sunburns, but in lower doses it can kill bacteria and viruses in water.

The best part about UV water purifiers is that they’re more effective than other methods of sterilizing water, like boiling or chemical treatments. 

They also don’t require any special skills to use them, so if you’re looking for an easy way to turn dirty river water into safe drinking supply, this could be your best bet.

In critical situations, access to purified water is crucial. Make sure you have water purification tablets in your survival kit as they can help you kill bacteria and viruses present in the water.

Solar Water Distiller

A solar water distiller is a heat-driven device that can provide pure, healthy water. It’s fairly simple to build. Solar power heats the water and drives a condensation process that removes contaminants like bacteria and minerals.

A solar powered distiller will produce 1 gallon per day depending on the climate where you live, but it takes several hours of sunlight each day to do so. If you don’t have direct sunlight during the day, then it will take longer to purify water.

The materials required for this project cost around $50-$75 depending on what parts are purchased new or salvaged from other sources:

  • Water tank (plastic storage bin) – $10-20
  • Copper pipe fittings – about $5 each at hardware store: 1/2 inch by 3/4 inch compression fitting; 1/4 inch male threaded adapter; 2 x 1 inch 90 degree elbows; 1 x 2 inch 90 degree elbow; 4 x 3/8 inch 90 degree elbows; 12 inches of 3/4 inch copper pipe with one end cut straight across & threaded on both sides so you can screw on all your above mentioned fittings

Top Solar Water Distillers

SundanzerMade with high-quality materials and durable construction
ECO-WORTHYAffordable and compact design for portable use
SolAquaProduces up to 5 gallons of clean water per day
PureWaterFreedomSustainable and eco-friendly water purification
Water WiseLarge capacity and efficient water distillation process

These solar water distillers are great for anyone looking to live off-grid or those who need a sustainable source of clean drinking water. Each brand featured has unique features that cater to different preferences and needs.

Berkefeld Ceramic Water Filter

Berkefeld ceramic water filter can help you filter out bacteria, parasites and viruses. It can also purify your water of heavy metals, chemicals and sediments. The Berkefeld filter is easy to use, it comes with a faucet adapter and has a flow rate of up to 1 gallon per minute.

You simply need to attach the Berkefeld ceramic water filter onto your faucet or jug and start pumping away! This process filtrates your water while passing through the ceramic filter which traps harmful materials from entering into your drinking supply.

The Berkefeld filters are extremely durable: they have been tested for over 100,000 liters each (about 26,000 gallons)! You won’t need another one for years with daily use on average!

With an abundance of water purification methods available, it can become quite confusing to choose the right one. Our guide on the top 15 water purification methods used by experts can help you make an informed decision.

Micropore Filters

If you’re looking for a simple, effective way to purify your water, consider a micropore filter. It’s easy to use and can be used in a variety of situations. It also requires little maintenance over time.

Micropore filters remove bacteria, protozoa and viruses from water sources like lakes, rivers and streams. They work by filtering out contaminants using large numbers of small holes that act as sieves for the suspended particles found in water. This method is effective for long periods of time without needing replacement or any special filters or chemicals added during use.

Iodine Purification Tablets

Iodine purification tablets are effective, but taste bad. They can be used to purify water in emergencies and will kill bacteria, but the taste of iodine is so strong that it’s not recommended for long-term use.

Clean and purified water is an essential resource and should not be taken for granted. Refer to our ultimate guide to choosing the best water purification system to understand the various types of water purifiers and filter systems available.

Diy Solar Oven Purifier

A solar oven is a simple device that uses the sun’s rays to heat up water. Solar ovens are very easy to make and can be used in a variety of ways. You can use this DIY purifier to boil water and kill any bacteria or viruses in your drinking water, or you can use it to heat up food and drinks on hot summer days!

When making your own solar cooker, there are a few things you should keep in mind: firstly, remember that the higher up on top of a hill or mountain you place your cooker (the more direct sunlight!)

The quicker it will get hot enough for boiling purposes; secondly, although they’re cheap materials-wise (all you need is cardboard), they do require time investment—so plan accordingly; thirdly and most importantly always verify if there are any safety risks with using this technique before proceeding with construction!


We hope that this list of water purification methods has given you some ideas on how to purify your own water. 

We know it can be overwhelming, but with these simple tips, we’re sure that anyone can do it!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on water purification and filtration:

Healthline – How to Filter Water: 16 Methods for Safe Drinking – This article provides a comprehensive guide on 16 different methods of filtering water, including boil, ceramic, and reverse osmosis.

AO Smith India – Easy and Effective Ways to Purify Water – This article lists various ways to purify water and highlights the importance of clean water for good health.

Filtsep – Effective and Proven Ways to Purify Your Water at Home – This blog post explains different water purification techniques and systems that can help you get potable water.


How does water purification work?

Water purification involves removing impurities and contaminants from water to make it safe to drink. The process can be done using various methods such as filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection, among others.

What is reverse osmosis?

Reverse osmosis is a water filtration process that involves forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities and contaminants. It is a commonly used water purification technique for both commercial and residential purposes.

Are water purifiers necessary at home?

Although tap water is treated and deemed safe to drink, impurities and contaminants can still be present. Water purifiers help remove these impurities, making it safer to drink. Thus, it is advisable to invest in a good water purifier for your home.

Can boiling water purify it?

Yes, boiling water can purify it as it kills most bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that might be present. Boiling water for at least a minute can make it safe to drink.

How often should I replace my water filter?

The frequency of replacing the water filter depends on the amount of water you use and your usage pattern. It is advisable to replace your water filter every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer.