15 Common Mistakes People Make In An Urban Survival Situation

In an urban environment, the threats are different than in a rural area. Threats like earthquakes, flooding and fires can occur without warning. 

And when they do, you have to be ready to survive them by having the right equipment and supplies on hand.

Urban Survival: Most Effective Tactics to Outsmart Urban Danger
Key Takeaways
Be prepared for emergencies and learn basic survival skills.
Avoid common survival mistakes, whether you’re in the wilderness or in the city.
Have the right gear and supplies on hand, including a survival kit.
Know how to find food, water, and shelter in a survival situation.
Understand navigation and orienteering to be able to find your way.

Not Preparing In Advance

There are a few common mistakes that people make when facing an urban survival situation. 

We’ll go over them as they relate to preparing in advance, but first you need to know that it’s not just about having the right gear and supplies you need a plan and training.

Here are 5 tips for preparing in advance:

  • Make a plan
  • Have a bug out bag ready
  • Learn basic survival skills
  • Get training in urban survival skills (like building shelters or signaling for help)
  • Get training in wilderness survival skills

Surviving in the city can be challenging, and being prepared is crucial. Check out our guide for a list of 10 surprising urban survival tips that you need to know to help you stay safe in an emergency.

Moving in the Wrong Direction

Your first priority in an urban survival situation is knowing where you are going. This involves knowing which direction is north and using that to navigate.

If you have a compass, use it. Learn how to use it properly, including how to take magnetic declination into account when reading the compass heading.

If you don’t have a compass, and aren’t able to acquire one, use the stars or sun as your guide for direction finding. 

Knowing how to do this will help prevent confusion when walking through unfamiliar areas during daylight or darkness respectively–and also may prevent injury by avoiding obstacles like roads or abandoned buildings (again with no compass).

Visibility can be limited at night so having some sort of light source will improve safety while traveling at night (one option would be carrying flashlights).

Top Navigation Mistakes to Avoid

Following incorrect GPS directionsUse reliable GPS services like Google Maps or Waze that receive frequent updates, and double-check locations using multiple sources.
Not accounting for road closures or constructionCheck local traffic reports or consult with state transportation departments to stay updated on announced road closures or construction sites.
Failing to notice street signsStay alert and focused, especially in areas with unfamiliar landmarks, and keep an eye out for street names or numbers.
Not having a backup planPlan alternative routes beforehand in case of unexpected delays or construction, and keep a paper map or printed directions available as a backup.
Ignoring verbal directions or landmarksIf someone gives you directions, listen carefully and repeat them back, and don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or visual landmark cues.

False Opinion-based Information

False opinion-based information is one of the most common mistakes people make in a survival situation. 

A lot of the time, we are told things like “don’t drink rainwater” or “don’t eat raw meat” without any explanation as to why these statements are true. As we’ve mentioned before, you need to make sure the information you get isn’t just hearsay and instead comes from an expert source!

If you’re going to rely on anyone for information about how to survive in an urban environment and really, who wouldn’t? you should try and get it from someone who has first-hand experience with that exact scenario. 

That means asking around at work if anyone knows somebody who’s been through something similar before; asking around in your neighborhood if anybody knows someone who has lived through a similar situation; even calling up local government officials who might have encountered this sort of thing before! 

You may find that there are many different ways different people survived their situations; some good ideas will stick out more than others because those people probably had more experience than other less experienced individuals (like yourself).

Above all else though: don’t trust just anybody’s opinion when it comes down to survival scenarios like these–especially if they haven’t actually been through something similar themselves! 

Don’t take risks unless there’s absolutely no other choice available either; otherwise you could end up making things worse by doing something wrong which might cost lives unnecessarily.

During an urban survival situation, having the right gear can make all the difference. Make sure you have the top 10 urban survival gear items by checking off our comprehensive list of essential items to keep you prepared.

Making a Poor Plan

Whether you’re using your plan for a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, there are several common mistakes people make when developing their plan. These mistakes can be avoided by taking the time to think through each step in advance. 

Here are some things to consider:

Your survival plan should be flexible and realistic, but not too flexible and realistic. You want your plan to account for every possible situation while still being easy to understand and implement. 

The best plans are essentially blueprints that allow you to think outside of the box when creative solutions become necessary like how they did this in the movie The Martian! 

But remember that no one is going to teach you what those skills look like at first; it’s important that you practice them so that when something comes up unexpectedly, you’ll know exactly how things work together (or don’t).

Your survival plan should have a clear objective and exit strategy out of any situation where safety could be compromised (whether due to natural disasters or other threats). 

This isn’t just about having some vague idea about what needs doing next it’s about having specific tasks lined up so there aren’t any surprises along the way.

Best Practices for Making an Effective Plan

Not identifying clear goalsDefine your objectives and priorities, and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks.
Starting without proper researchConduct thorough research, gather relevant information from verified sources, and consider different approaches or solutions.
Overlooking potential risks or obstaclesIdentify potential roadblocks or challenges, plan for contingencies, and be flexible and adaptable.
Not setting deadlines or milestonesMap out a timeline with specific deadlines or milestones to keep yourself accountable and motivated.
Failing to communicate or delegate responsibilityCommunicate clearly with others involved in the plan, delegate tasks effectively, and establish regular check-in points.

Forgetting Of Some Essentials

The most basic of these is clothing. You may not need your long underwear if it’s a balmy 70 degrees out, but it would be foolish to not have a jacket with you at all times.

Second, we often forget about medications. We think that our relative health can handle the pathogens in urban areas, but everyone has their limits and eventually something will happen on which they’ll rely upon their prescriptions. 

If you don’t have them with you when it happens, there’s nothing more tragic than having to wait several days until the pharmacy opens again so that they can get their medicine refilled (assuming they even had refills left).

Third, food and water are two items that many people overlook when preparing for an emergency such as this one. It doesn’t take much figuring out: if everyone were suddenly cut off from grocery stores, how long do you think it would take before everyone ran out of food at home? 

Do yourself a favor by stocking up on enough canned goods or dried foods that will last for several weeks at least; don’t forget about things like instant coffee or tea! It seems silly now…but think back four years ago when Hurricane Sandy struck New Jersey—many people went without power for five days straight! 

That meant no electricity to cook meals or keep refrigerators cold and thus no way for anyone to access much-needed nutrients like protein or carbohydrates during those first few days after impact occurred (especially important since most injuries occur immediately after landfall).

It’s important to be prepared for any emergency when living in an urban environment. Take a look at our ultimate urban survival checklist to know what to do in case of an emergency, so you can be confident in your preparedness.

Leaving Your Home Too Late

Another mistake you may make is waiting too long to leave. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get out of your city, and this creates a domino effect. 

The more people who are trying to leave at once, the longer it will take for you. You may even find yourself stuck in traffic with no way out!

If possible, try leaving early so that you can avoid these problems altogether. However if something happens at home like an earthquake or fire alarm that forces your hand earlier than planned then follow these tips:

Letting Outdoor Clothing or Gear Degrade Over Time

As we’ve said, the best clothing and gear to have in an urban survival situation is clothing and gear that you already own. 

But if you don’t have any outdoor clothing or gear, or if your existing equipment is old or hasn’t been maintained properly, it can start to degrade over time. This means it will be less effective at keeping you warm and dry. It could also mean that it falls apart while out in the woods.

Don’t rely on old clothing (or any other item) as your only resource for staying warm and dry during an urban survival situation

Knowing how to handle dangerous situations in an urban environment is important to staying safe. Check out our guide on the most dangerous urban survival scenarios and how to handle them to learn the skills you need for navigating dangerous circumstances in the city.

Failing to Do Regular Exercises

Exercise is a critical part of any long-term survival plan. It’s also one that’s easy to neglect, which is a mistake. In fact, many people come up with elaborate survival plans that include food storage and water filtration systems but forget about exercise because they think it will be too difficult or time consuming.

Instead of getting caught up in the minutiae of urban survival, focus on what matters most: keeping your body fit and healthy so you can live long enough to see your plan through until help arrives or until the situation improves.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to get daily exercise in an urban setting if you’re willing to put some thought into it. 

The bad news is that if you don’t commit yourself fully to an exercise routine now, then when SHTF does hit your area—and it will—it’ll be harder for you to start working out without any equipment or space than if you had been planning ahead from the beginning (and yes, I’ve made this mistake myself).

Forgetting To Maintain Equipment and Gear

Many people who are new to the idea of urban survival fail to realize the importance of maintaining their equipment and gear. 

This oversight can be deadly in an emergency situation, as it could mean the difference between life and death.

The best thing you can do is check your equipment regularly and learn how to tell if it’s in good condition or not. 

If there are any issues with your gear, take steps immediately before some small problem turns into a major one and before you’re forced to use your supplies for other purposes (like fire-starting or signaling).

Being knowledgeable about urban survival hacks can help you in an emergency. Discover the top 10 urban survival hacks that can help you thrive in the city by checking out our informative guide.

Underestimating the Necessity of a Bug Out Bag in Urban Area

Laying out the contents of a bug out bag is a little like planning to make a sandwich. You’ve got the bread, the meat and cheese, lettuce, tomatoes…and then you realize that you don’t have any condiments for it. It’s easy enough to think that maybe this time around you’ll just eat plain bread but what if something goes awry and your lunch gets delayed?

In an urban survival situation, things can get hectic very quickly. There are many different variables in play at any given moment: fires breaking out across town; power lines going down; looters running rampant through neighborhoods the list goes on. 

In short: anything could happen at any time and having a fully stocked bug out bag on hand can help ensure that your family will be ready for whatever comes their way during such an event!

Functionality vs Weight of Your Bug Out Bag

A bug out bag is a crucial piece of equipment that can make or break your survival in an urban environment. It’s important to choose one that fits your needs and provides as much functionality as possible, but you also need to consider its weight. 

If you choose a bag with extra features and don’t fill it with useful items, then the extra weight could slow you down and deplete your energy reserves faster than they should be used up. 

You’ll want to try out different bags before making any final decisions on which one works best for your purposes.

You might have several different items in mind when considering what goes into a bug out bag, but these are some of the most important things:

  • Water (at least 1/2 gallon per day)
  • Food rations (3 days worth)
  • Basic first aid supplies (bandages, gauze pads)
  • Warm clothes including gloves & hat if necessary

Not Having a Strong Enough Core Group of Surviving Neighbors and Friends

The importance of having a core group of friends and neighbors is paramount to your survival. A disaster situation can break down even the most stable of society, so it’s important that you have a well-organized group of people around you who are prepared for this sort of event.

How do you find these people? They’re around simply look for them! Don’t be afraid to approach strangers and ask if they’d like to join your team. It will help both parties down the road if they know someone who can provide food, water and shelter in times like these.

One way to keep in touch with your friends and neighbors during an urban survival situation is by using social media or text messaging apps on their smartphones (if they don’t have one already). 

You could also use walkie talkies if there aren’t any mobile phones available nearby; however, make sure not all members carry one so as not lose contact with each other at any time during evacuation attempts or search missions for supplies near/in abandoned buildings nearby where some may still be hiding out–they’ll need all hands on deck when finding food/water sources elsewhere outside town limits too!

Failing to Educate Yourself on Common Urban Threats

A common misstep that people make in an urban survival situation is failing to educate themselves on common urban threats. 

The threat of being caught up in a riot, for example, or the risk of being robbed by someone who has an axe to grind with you or your family is all too real. 

The good news is that there are ways of avoiding and dealing with these dangers if you’re prepared.

You should first familiarize yourself with what could happen when an emergency strikes; then you can start thinking about how best to protect yourself from it.

Relying on Only One Source for Water in an Urban Setting

In urban areas, you should have multiple sources of water to use. Drinking contaminated water can cause serious illness or death. 

This can happen when you don’t know where the water is clean and safe to drink, or if you don’t know how to make sure it is safe before using it.

Not having a way to purify your drinking water. Even if you find clean water for your daily needs, there are still many situations where drinking contaminated water causes sickness or death (such as in floods). 

In an urban setting, every person should have a way to purify any type of water they may need during their stay in the city by filtering out bacteria and viruses with their own equipment such as a filter bottle or some other method that allows them access to clean drinking supplies no matter what happens around them!


We hope this article has helped you to understand some of the common mistakes people make when they are trying to survive in an urban environment. 

If you find yourself in a situation like this and do not know what to do, then we recommend that you follow our tips above.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about survival tips and strategies, check out the following resources:

The Survival University: learn about the top 10 mistakes people make in the backcountry, and how to avoid them.

Survival Cache: get expert advice on wilderness survival, including tips on shelter, water, food, and more.

Be Prepared: find out about the top 15 prepping mistakes, and how to fix them to ensure your readiness for any emergency.


What are some basic survival skills for beginners?

Some basic survival skills for beginners include finding or building shelter, starting a fire, finding or purifying water, and finding food sources. These skills are essential for surviving in the wilderness or in an emergency situation.

What should you have in a survival kit?

Your survival kit should include basic items such as a first aid kit, water purification tablets, a multi-tool, a fire starter, a signaling device, and food. Additional items such as a map, compass, and extra clothing can also be useful.

How can you find water in the wilderness?

To find water in the wilderness, look for sources such as streams, rivers, and lakes. If you can’t find a natural source of water, you can try digging a hole and collecting the water that seeps in. You can also collect rainwater or use a solar still to purify water from other sources.

How can you start a fire without matches?

One way to start a fire without matches is to use a bow drill or hand drill. You can also use a flint and steel or a magnifying glass to focus sunlight onto kindling. Another option is to use a battery and steel wool to create sparks that can ignite dry tinder.

How can you navigate in the wilderness without a compass?

To navigate in the wilderness without a compass, you can use natural landmarks such as trees, rocks, and mountains to orient yourself. You can also use the sun and stars to determine direction. Another option is to create a makeshift compass by putting a magnetized object on a leaf or in a bowl of water.