Build The Ultimate Bug-Out Shelter For Your Family

Building a survival shelter is a huge undertaking, and your plan for building it should include all of the elements of survival: food, water, fire and electricity. 

It’s also important to consider what you’ll need as far as supplies go (like tools or batteries) in order to build an effective structure. 

You might have heard about people building their own homes out of trees or old appliances and while those things would be great if they were available on-site

They’re not always practical options unless you can get them before disaster strikes! In this article we’ll discuss how you can plan ahead for building your ultimate bug-out shelter without having to rely on luck or scavenging after the fact when something goes wrong at home.

The Ultimate Bug Out Shelter and a Budget Friendly Alternative
Importance of building a bug-out shelter for emergency situations
Different types of shelter to consider
Essential items to include in your bug-out bag
Importance of water purification and how to do it
How to stay safe in the wilderness, including during bear attacks
Creating an emergency shelter quickly
Tips for navigating and surviving in urban environments

Build It Near Clean Water

The most important thing you can have in a bug-out shelter is drinking water. Drinking water is critical to your survival, especially if you’re not eating canned food or dehydrated meals (which are great for long-term disasters). 

In addition to providing hydration, clean drinking water can also be used for bathing, cooking and cleaning up after yourself.

To ensure that your family has access to clean drinking water during an emergency situation, make sure that the land on which you build your bug-out shelter is near a source of drinkable water such as a stream or lake.

If possible, choose an area where there already exists a well so that you don’t have to dig through the ground just to get some drinking water!

If there isn’t already a well nearby but there do exist streams or lakes nearby then consider digging out an area near one of these bodies of liquid so that it can serve as both a source of drinking and bathing resources for everyone involved in this project (ie: kids will love being able to go swimming!).

Building a shelter in the wilderness can be challenging without proper guidance. Our How to Build a Shelter in the Wilderness – A Step-by-Step Guide article provides comprehensive instructions and illustrations to help make the process easier for you.

Build It Near Food Sources

Your bug-out shelter will be your home for an indefinite period of time and you won’t want to spend all day traveling back and forth to find food. 

It should be located near a water source, shelter, road or path that takes you directly to your bug-out location, and it should also be easy to get to so that you don’t have a long hike every time you want something from the pantry.

There are three types of food sources:

Permanence – This is food that requires no preparation and is found in nature like fruits, berries, nuts/seeds (walnuts), acorns etc. These can also be used as seeds for growing more plants later on if necessary.

Portability – These are items like canned goods such as canned peaches or pears; frozen fruits; crackers/dry cereals that come in cardboard boxes vs bags which makes them easier for carrying when bugging out; dried meats (jerky); 

MREs (meals ready-to-eat); bottled water with purifiers if possible etcetera., but remember not everything needs refrigeration so make sure whatever goes into this category doesn’t require cold temperatures before eating/drinking it because they could spoil during transport without refrigeration!

Building Your Garden: Tips on Location

Easier access to foodRisk of contamination from animals
More efficient use of spaceExposure to wind, resulting in potential crop damage
Maximize sunlight exposure, which is necessary for photosynthesisGreater exposure to pollution
Better soil quality for plant growthToo close to water sources may cause soil erosion

In terms of the brand names, it doesn’t make sense to include any as this is more of a general topic, rather than a specific product or service.

Build One That Is Easy To Maintain And Camouflage

The design of your bug-out shelter is simple, but it needs to be done right. An easy way to make sure that you’re building your survival shelter with the right mindset is by following this checklist:

Make sure you can get in without alerting anyone else. You don’t want anyone knowing where you are hiding if they try and break into the place where you keep your supplies.

Make sure that it is hidden from intruders. If someone breaks into your yard, it’s important for them not to see your secret bunker as well as what’s inside of it (unless they know how much food they can steal). If they do find out about either one of these things or both together then there could potentially be trouble.”

Clean drinking water is essential for survival, especially in emergency situations. Take a look at our The Best Water Purification Tablets for Emergencies article to learn more about water purification methods that can make all the difference.

Build One That Is In A Safe And Quiet Location

When you’re building your shelter, you want to make sure that it is in a safe and quiet location. Don’t build it too close to neighbors or roads. 

Also, build your shelter far from the ocean. If there is a tsunami coming, you do not want to lose everything because the waves washed away your home. Stay away from forests as well; if there’s an earthquake nearby then trees could fall on top of your house and crush it!

Safe and Quiet Location: Important Factors to Consider

Factors to ConsiderBenefits
Low trafficReduced noise pollution and lower risk of accidents or theft
Distance from high-risk areasLess likely to be affected by danger or violence
Away from flood-prone areasReduced risk of water damage or rising water levels
Fire-resistant materialsLower risk of structural damage in case of a fire
Accessible to utilitiesEasy access to electricity, water, and other necessary utilities
Nearby green spacesAccess to nature, fresh air, and peaceful surroundings

In terms of the brand names, it doesn’t make sense to include any as this is more of a general topic, rather than a specific product or service.

Have Access To Electricity, Fire Source, And Water Source

When thinking about what supplies you need in your bug-out shelter, it’s also important to consider the ways you will be able to keep those necessities running. 

You should have a backup generator that is powerful enough to power multiple outlets at once. This way, if one source of electricity goes down, there is another one ready to go.

You should also have a backup water source such as a rain barrel attached to your roof (which can collect rainwater) or even a swimming pool nearby your house. 

In addition, make sure that there are fire sources stored around the shelter so that if one burns out or stops working for any reason, another can be used instead without having to walk too far away from where people are residing at during times of crisis or disaster.

Surviving in the wilderness can be unpredictable, but knowing what to do during a bear attack can save your life. Find tips and recommended actions in our Surviving a Bear Attack: What to Do If You Come Face-to-Face with a Grizzly article to help you stay safe.

Keep It Hidden From Intruders.

Building a bug-out shelter is a serious endeavor, and you want to make sure that the location of your shelter remains hidden. You don’t want anyone knowing where it is or being able to find it easily.

Your first step should be making sure that neighbors won’t see what you’re doing. If they do, they might ask questions and become suspicious about why you’re building an underground bunker in your backyard. Make sure that no one can look from their windows into yours, as well.

You also want to keep local wildlife away from your bug-out shelter site so that when things get bad, animals won’t eat all of the food inside or tear apart the structure itself. 

If possible, try keeping food sources far away from where you’ll be building your shelter so that other creatures don’t accidentally stumble upon them and decide to stay in the area around it this will also help protect against unwanted humans who might have heard about how much food there was stored there!

Finally, keep intruders out by making sure that there aren’t any paths leading directly into or out of the spot where your underground bunker will be built; these paths could give away its location!

Keeping Your Shelter Hidden: Tips and Considerations

Natural foliage coverageProvides natural camouflage and makes it difficult for outsiders to detect the shelter
Disguising the entranceHelps to conceal the location from potential threats
Avoiding conspicuous materialsLimits visibility of the structure and helps to blend in with the surroundings
Strategic placementChoosing a location that is not easily visible from main roads or trails

In terms of the brand names, it doesn’t make sense to include any as this is more of a general topic, rather than a specific product or service.

Keep Yourself Armed And Ready For Intruders.

A firearm is a must-have for any survivalist. In the event of an attack, you’re going to want to be able to defend yourself. 

If someone breaks into your home or starts firing shots at you, having a gun is crucial. But even if that doesn’t happen, it still pays off in case you see wild animals outside your shelter and need to shoot them before they attack (or if other people have weapons).

So how do you get started? First, know that not all guns are created equal and there are important considerations when deciding which one is right for your family. 

Most of us grew up with toy guns like Nerf blasters and plastic pistols from fast food restaurants (which are just as good as real ones!), but those won’t cut it against real threats like predators or intruders. 

To ensure maximum safety and effectiveness in any situation where self defense may become necessary—whether against criminals during a crisis or dealing with dangerous wildlife during peacetime—the best option is an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle

In an emergency situation where shelter is needed, having various ideas on-hand can be lifesaving. Browse our 17 Emergency Shelter Ideas for When You’re Caught Off Guard article to discover different options that can provide protection quickly.

Make Sure You Can Get In Without Alerting Anyone Else

Make sure you can get in without alerting anyone else.

Your bug-out shelter should provide a means of entry that is not easily visible from the outside, and ideally it will be concealed by brush or some other natural material. This will help keep others from seeing your shelter and accidentally entering while searching for you or your family.

If it’s accessible by an obvious trail, consider placing a trap or alarm system at the entrance to prevent unwelcome guests from gaining access.

Make Sure The Structure Is Strong Enough To Withstand The Weather

In order to make sure your shelter is completely safe and secure, it’s important for you to ensure that your structure is sturdy enough to withstand the weather. 

While the building materials may be waterproof and insulated, this does nothing if the structure itself is not strong enough to hold up against storms and other types of extreme weather.

It’s also important for you to make sure your home is fireproof as well. This can be done by taking steps like installing smoke detectors or sprinklers throughout the house so that if there ever was an emergency, such as a fire starting inside, these would activate immediately and put out any flames before they spread too far or cause too much damage.

While wilderness survival is a popular topic, it’s equally important to know how to survive in the city. Get started with our Surviving in the City – A Beginner’s Guide article, which offers tips and information on navigating urban environments during emergencies.

Make Sure Your Bug-Out Shelter Connects To Your House Or A Trail Leading There

When you build your own bug-out shelter, make sure it connects to your house or a trail leading there. You can also create a way to connect the two with a few simple tools and supplies.

Once you have everything in place, don’t forget to plan ahead and have a bug-out bag ready to go. Your shelter should be hidden from intruders so that they don’t know where you are hiding out until it’s too late!

Plan Ahead And Have A Bug-Out Bag Ready To Go

Another thing to consider is that a bug-out bag is not just for the moment when you have to leave. Ideally, you should have one ready to go at all times and so should everyone in your family. 

This way, if disaster strikes and you’re forced to evacuate, no one has to scramble trying to collect everything they might need (like medicine, clothing and other valuables).

If the worst happens while you’re at home or work and don’t have time to plan ahead, having a few essentials on hand will help immensely. Think of these as your “survival toolkit”:

  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Portable radio with extra batteries
  • Cash in small bills (usually $20s are best)
  • Emergency food rations (a few days’ worth)


I hope you enjoyed this article. I know it can be overwhelming to think about building a bug-out shelter, but I promise it will be worth it in the end. 

Just remember that planning ahead and preparing for emergencies is the only way to ensure your family has a good chance at surviving for longer than just a few days.

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about survival shelters and related topics, check out the following articles:

Bug Out Shelters: When to Stay Put and When to Bug Out: This article discusses the different types of shelters to consider when bugging out, and which types of situations you should stay put and which warrant bugging out.

How to Build the Ultimate Bug-Out Bag: In this article, you’ll learn about the essential items you need to include in a bug-out bag to help you survive for several days or even weeks.

Family Bug Out Bag: A Beginner’s Guide: If you’re putting together a bug-out bag for your family, read this article to get advice on how to pack and what to include, based on the size of your family and their needs.


What is a bug-out shelter?

A bug-out shelter is a place where you can retreat to during an emergency situation. It can be any type of shelter – a cabin, an underground bunker, or even a tent.

When should I bug out?

You should bug out when staying in your current location could put your life at risk. This could be due to natural disasters, civil unrest, or other hazardous situations.

How do I choose the best bug-out shelter for me?

The best bug-out shelter for you depends on your location, budget, and personal preferences. Consider what amenities you need, the size of your group, and what situations you need to be prepared for.

What should I pack in my bug-out bag?

Your bug-out bag should include essential items for survival, such as food, water, shelter, first aid supplies, and tools. Customize your bug-out bag to meet your specific needs and preferences.

How long should my bug-out bag last?

Your bug-out bag should have enough supplies to last at least 72 hours. However, you may need to pack more if you anticipate being away from civilization for longer. It’s also important to regularly check and rotate the supplies in your bug-out bag to ensure they remain fresh and effective.