Surviving In The City: A Beginner’s Guide

The city can be a lonely place, especially if you’re new to it. You might have moved from the suburbs, or even from another country whatever your situation is, it can feel overwhelming at first. 

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make friends and meet people in any city. 

Here’s how:

Ancient Cities Tutorial How To: Quick Survival
Surviving in the city presents unique challenges that require focused preparation and awareness.
Building a support system and creating a network of allies can be essential in times of crisis.
Preparing and planning for the unexpected can make all the difference when it comes to urban survival.
Having the right gear and resources is crucial to staying safe and secure during an emergency in the city.
There are many resources available to help you learn how to better prepare and survive in an urban environment.

Travel On Foot

The most important thing to remember when traveling in a city is that you’re not alone. Whether you’re with a partner or friends, stick together. Keep an eye out for each other and make sure no one wanders off alone if possible.

If you do have to travel alone, try to stick to well-lit areas and avoid headphones or earbuds at all costs (they can be very dangerous). You should also keep your phone calls short and direct them to someone on the same side of the street as you—someone who can see where you are going so they know if something goes wrong.

Lastly: stay safe! Be aware of your surroundings at all times and don’t hesitate to dial 911 if something feels off or unsafe.

Surviving in the city can be challenging, but knowing the most dangerous urban survival scenarios and how to handle them can make all the difference. Check out our guide on how to handle dangerous urban survival scenarios to learn more about preparing for the unexpected.

Pack Light

This is going to be a huge move for you, and so you’re going to want to pack light. It’s not easy, but do your best! Pack only the essentials and leave everything else behind. 

Bring as much clothing as you can in one bag, because it makes it easier when traveling. Bring shoes that are comfortable but also stylish enough for city life you don’t want to look like an outsider or like you’re trying too hard! 

Make sure they’re well-cushioned by packing lots of socks ( cotton makes them last longer ).

Wear neutral colors so that if something gets stained or ripped up (or whatever), it won’t matter because everything else looks good with those colors anyway. 

If there’s any room left in your backpack after all this stuff is packed neatly into compartments within compartments within compartments: maybe some snacks will fit? That would be nice…

Packing Essentials

Multi-Function ToolLeatherman
Durable BackpackOsprey
Emergency WhistleFox 40
Water Filtration SystemLifeStraw
Portable ChargerAnker
First-Aid KitAdventure Medical Kits
Compact Sleeping BagThe North Face

Pack light and efficiently is one of the keys to successfully surviving an emergency situation. When it comes to packing, the items listed above are some of the most essential tools to have in survival situations. From a multi-tool to a portable charger, each item is important and valuable in its particular usage. Make sure to choose durable, reliable brands to ensure that the items will last and function properly in emergency situations.

Avoid Strangers

You should also be careful of strangers. You don’t know them and they don’t know you, so it’s best to keep your distance from them. 

Don’t talk to strangers or give out any personal information about yourself. If someone is trying to get ahold of you, let them know that first they will have to meet in public so they can see that you’re safe and not being kidnapped or anything like that. 

Never get into a car with a stranger if they say they’re going to drive you somewhere, call your parents or someone else who knows where you are and tell them what’s going on.

When it comes to urban survival, knowing the right hacks can mean the difference between life and death. Our guide on the top 10 urban survival hacks provides you with practical tips and tricks to make surviving in the city easier.

Use The Buddy System

In the city, your best bet is to always be with someone else.

Safety in numbers isn’t just a saying; it’s practically a law. It’s incredibly rare for anything bad to happen when you’re traveling with another person, so don’t worry about being a burden or bothering anyone by asking them to join you on your journey.

If you’re alone and need help, try asking strangers for directions or assistance with getting around the city (especially if it looks like there might be heavy traffic). 

People generally love helping out those who ask politely and are friendly themselves; no one wants their kindness wasted! 

Also remember that asking someone for help doesn’t have to mean asking them to walk all the way across town with you you can easily ask someone where a nearby taxi stand or subway stop is located instead of insisting they give up their entire day just because they happened upon an unfamiliar area while walking down the street!

Buddy System Essentials

Two-Way RadioMotorola
Signal MirrorUltimate Survival Technologies
Emergency WhistleAcme
Mini Flint Fire StarterESEE
Para-Cord BraceletWazoo Survival Gear

Live In A Group House

Live in a group house. Living in a group house is an easy way to meet people and make friends, and it’s even more fun if you share a common interest with the other residents. The best part is that it’s usually cheaper than living alone, which means you can put your extra cash towards something else like going out for drinks or taking up another hobby like cooking or photography.

Be aware of noise levels before moving into any shared dwelling. You may have to listen to loud music coming from someone else’s room until midnight every night, or accept the fact that your headboard will be banging against the wall every night as well.

 If these sounds don’t bother you too much then by all means go ahead and move into this type of accommodation!

In a time of crisis, having a strong emergency plan in place can make all the difference. Our ultimate urban survival checklist provides you with a detailed list of resources and tools to help you weather any storm.

Bring Your Own Food And Water

There are a lot of things you need to worry about when you’re in the wilderness. The most important thing is food and water, because if you run out of those, then it’s game over. 

When it comes to surviving the city center, however, there are plenty of supermarkets nearby where you can get your hands on whatever food items you may need (and plenty more besides).

When venturing into the desert or jungle or anywhere else without reliable sources of food and water for miles around, this isn’t necessarily going to be an issue for you as long as there are no fires raging nearby that might destroy all these things before they reach your hands!

Food and Water Essentials

Collapsible Water BottleVapur
Water Filtration SystemSawyer Products
High-Calorie Energy BarsClif Bar
Freeze-Dried MealsMountain House
Portable StoveJetboil
Lightweight CookwareMSR

Keep Your Valuables Hidden And Out Of Sight

Keep your valuables hidden and out of sight. Even if you’re walking around a nice neighborhood, you should still avoid carrying expensive items. If you have an expensive phone, keep it in a money belt or fanny pack. 

If you wear jewelry, don’t show off any flashy pieces that could attract attention from thieves looking to steal from tourists or people living in poorer neighborhoods. You can also use things like a cheap watch or use no jewelry at all (this is often my strategy).

Surviving in the city requires the right gear. Our guide on the top 10 urban survival gear items you need to have will help you ensure that you have everything you need to stay safe and secure during an emergency.

Be Prepared To Fight At All Times

It is crucial that you are prepared to fight at all times. It’s not a matter of if, but when, you will be attacked. In order to get through the day without being attacked or having to fight for your life in some way, it is best if you learn how to avoid or diffuse any situation that may turn violent.

First off, there are different types of fights with different levels of danger. The most common type of street fight is between two people who don’t know each other (as opposed to friends or family members). 

These fights usually happen when someone bumps into another person on purpose and then gets accused by the person they bumped into as “touching them”. 

If this happens while walking down the street or in any public place where there are other people around (like a supermarket), then both parties should keep their cool and walk away from each other without saying anything else because there’s no reason for them not being able to coexist peacefully just because one doesn’t like how close another was standing when passing by them on their way somewhere else.

Carry A Weapon At All Times

I would like to say that as a girl, I don’t feel the need to carry a weapon. However, if you are going into an area where there is high crime and/or you know that people carry weapons (such as in gangs or in war zones), then you should consider carrying something yourself. If you can’t bring yourself to do this, look into buying pepper spray or tasers instead.

Carrying a weapon is not just about protecting yourself – it’s also about being prepared for anything. 

You may be able to defend yourself against one person but what happens if 10 more are there? Having something on hand will help keep the odds in your favor!

Make sure that whatever weapon(s) you choose will be useful in your environment: knives work well in forests but guns won’t do much good when fighting someone underwater! 

Also keep easy accessibility in mind – if it’s too heavy or bulky then chances are high that it won’t get used when needed most! 

Finally – always make sure that whatever choice YOU make fits YOUR personality; otherwise it might not work out so well during practice sessions before heading out into town

Whether you’re a city dweller or just visiting, it’s important to know how to survive in an urban environment. Our ultimate guide to surviving in the city provides you with all the information you need to navigate the challenges of city life, from finding food and water to staying safe in dangerous neighborhoods.

Know The Rules Of The Town You’re In

Know the rules of the town you’re in.

Make sure that you carry your weapon legally and conceal it properly. You don’t want to get caught with a hand cannon in your waistband while you’re picking up some ice cream for dinner.

Know what’s safe, what isn’t, and who might be looking out for troublemakers like yourself before acting on an impulse. 

If there are any signs posted or stickers on windows saying “no weapons allowed,” follow them or expect serious consequences!

If something happens that puts your life in danger, make sure it’s worth defending yourself before doing so otherwise, maybe just let it go this time and call someone later? I dunno… maybe ask another person what they think about all this? I’m not a lawyer!


In this article, we’ve explored the basics of making a living in the city. We’ve covered everything from how much you can expect to earn as an artist or musician, to what type of job would be best for someone who doesn’t want any more responsibility than they already have at home. 

Hopefully, this guide has helped you find some inspiration and motivation for starting your own life in a big city!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that can help you better prepare for surviving in the city:

Prepping in the City: This article provides you with practical tips and advice for preparing for an emergency or disaster in an urban environment.

Frozen City Beginner Guide: Though it’s a guide for a mobile game, it gives a beginner’s approach to surviving in a fictional frozen city.

How to Survive in the City: This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to surviving in the city, covering a wide range of topics from shelter to self-defense.


What is urban survival?

Urban survival is the knowledge and skills required to live and thrive in an urban environment during or after a catastrophic event or emergency situation.

What are the challenges of surviving in the city?

Some of the challenges of surviving in the city include finding shelter, securing food and water, navigating an unfamiliar environment, and dealing with the threat of violence.

What are some important items to include in an urban survival kit?

Some important items to include in an urban survival kit are a first-aid kit, a water filtration system, a multi-tool, a portable shelter, and a means of self-defense.

How can I prepare for an urban emergency or disaster?

You can prepare for an urban emergency or disaster by creating an emergency plan, stocking up on essential supplies, learning basic survival skills, and staying informed about potential threats.

What are some common misconceptions about urban survival?

Common misconceptions about urban survival include the belief that it’s not possible to survive in a city during a disaster, or that all cities are equally dangerous or safe during an emergency. It is important to do proper research to have a good understanding of the situation of the city.