The Best Water Purification Tablets For Emergencies

When you’re in the middle of an emergency, it’s hard to think about how you’ll eventually get clean water. 

But if you’re going to survive, you’ll need to figure it out. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of emergency water purification tablets that are available and give recommendations for each one.

Best Water Purification Tablets Review (2022 Buyers Guide)
The Best Water Purification Tablets for Emergencies
Learn how to purify water in the wilderness
Understand the most common contaminants found in tap water
Improve your wilderness navigation skills
Build a shelter in the wilderness
Choose the right water purification system for your needs
Explore further reading resources
Check out frequently asked questions about water purification tablets

Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets

Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets are a good choice for people who want to purify their water without using a filter. The tablets will kill bacteria, viruses and protozoa. They are easy to use and have no taste.

The process is simple: just drop the tablet into your bottle of water and wait for 30 minutes. You can go about your business while you wait or even take a nap! 

When it’s time, simply discard the spent tablet (it’s not toxic) and enjoy your freshly purified beverage!

Learning how to purify water in the wilderness is a fundamental survival skill. Our article on survival tips for purifying water in the wilderness provides step-by-step guidance on various techniques and methods to obtain safe and clean drinking water in emergency situations.

Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets

Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets are the most popular emergency water purifier on the market and for good reason. 

They kill bacteria and viruses, they’re easy to use, they don’t require any chemicals or boiling, they’re lightweight and compact (1oz), they’re safe to use in cold weather (down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit), and best of all: they’ve been around since 1988!

If you’re wondering how well Aquatabs work compared to other options, consider this: the US Military has been using them since 2003. 

As far as we know there’s no military grade alternative that can match their performance when it comes to portable water treatment tablets.

Top 5 Brands of Water Purification Tablets

AquatabsIodine-freeKills viruses, bacteria and giardia, fast-acting, and easy to use
Potable AquaIodine-basedEffective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia, ideal for camping and hiking
Katadyn MicropurChlorine dioxide-basedEffective against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, no aftertaste, and long shelf life
MSR AquatabsChlorine-basedEPA registered, effective against viruses, bacteria, protozoa, giardia, and cryptosporidium
Potable Aqua Germicidal TabletsIodine-basedEffective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia, lightweight and compact

The above table shows the top five brands of water purification tablets, including their type, features, and benefits. Aquatabs, an iodine-free brand, is proven to kill viruses, bacteria, and giardia quickly and is easy to use. Other popular brands include Potable Aqua, Katadyn Micropur, MSR Aquatabs, and Potable Aqua Germicidal Tablets.

Katadyn Micropur MP1 Purification Tablets

The Katadyn Micropur MP1 Purification Tablets are made of zeolite, which is a crystalline mineral that has been proven effective at removing bacteria and viruses from water.

To use them, simply drop the tablet into your water and wait for 30 minutes. It’s best to keep them in an airtight bag or container to preserve their ability to work over time.

You can store the tablets indefinitely if they’re kept in cool conditions—if stored at room temperature, they’ll last through about six years’ worth of purifying water.

With more than 300 contaminants found in tap water, it’s crucial to know what you might be drinking. Check out our article on the most common contaminants found in tap water to learn about the potential health effects of each contaminant and how to remove them.

H2O Survival Water Tablets

H2O Survival Water Tablets are a good choice for emergency water purification. They can be used in both potable and non-potable water, making them ideal for disaster situations where the safety of your supply may be uncertain. 

These tablets have a long shelf life, up to five years, making them easy to store until you need them.

The H2O Survival Water Tablets work by removing 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of parasites (including giardia), 99.9% of viruses and 99% of chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride without producing any waste or harmful by products that could pollute drinking water sources even further after use (which makes these tablets an ideal choice for when you’re trying to purify large amounts of water at once).

Top 4 Brands of H2O Survival Water Tablets

Mayday IndustriesChlorine dioxide-basedEmergency germicidal tablets effective against bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, U.S. EPA approved
Sagan LifeChlorine dioxide-basedEffective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia up to 4 liters per tablet, no iodine taste or color, long shelf life
Katadyn MicropurChlorine dioxide-basedFast-acting tablets effective against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, no aftertaste, and long shelf life
Potable AquaIodine-basedRecommended for emergency disinfection of drinking water, effective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia

The above table shows the top four brands of H2O survival water tablets, including their type, features, and benefits. Mayday Industries offers U.S. EPA approved emergency germicidal tablets, while Sagan Life’s chlorine dioxide-based tablets are effective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia with no iodine taste or color and a long shelf life.

Katadyn Micropur’s fast-acting tablets are effective against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, with no aftertaste and a long shelf life. Potable Aqua, which is iodine-based, is recommended for emergency disinfection of drinking water, and it is effective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia.

Coghlan’s Water Purification Tablets

These Coghlan’s Water Purification Tablets are a good choice for an emergency kit, especially if you’re looking for something lightweight and compact. 

The tablets have a shelf life of five years, so they can stay stashed in your pack or car until you really need them.

The great thing about these is that they don’t require batteries or any other form of power to work. Just drop one into your water bottle and wait 15 minutes before drinking—it’s that simple!

Getting lost in the wilderness can be a scary experience, but having navigation skills can help ensure your survival. Navigate your way to our article on essential wilderness navigation skills to learn how to use a compass, read a map, and find your way out of the great outdoors.

Backpacker’s Pantry Water Disinfection Tablets

Backpacker’s Pantry Water Purification Tablets are an extremely popular option for campers, hikers, and preppers alike. 

These tablets are designed to be used in conjunction with a water filter or purifier as they do not remove any particulates. They’re easy to use and only take 15 minutes of time before your water is ready to drink.

Each tablet will purify 1 liter of water and they’ll last up to two weeks if stored in a cool environment like your refrigerator (the instructions say it doesn’t have to be refrigerated). 

When using these tablets, you can add iodine or chlorine tablets at the same time for extra protection against bacteria and viruses that may be present in your water source.

Top 3 Brands of Backpacker’s Pantry Water Disinfection Tablets

Backpacker’s PantryChlorine dioxide-basedKills bacteria, viruses, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium, lightweight and compact
Aqua MiraChlorine dioxide-basedFast-acting water treatment system, effective against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, no aftertaste
Potable AquaIodine-basedRecommended for emergency disinfection of drinking water, effective against viruses, bacteria, and giardia

Sawyer Products SP128 Mini Water Filtration System

The Sawyer Products SP128 Mini Water Filtration System is a lightweight and portable water filter that’s perfect for hikers and campers. 

This product has a 100,000 gallon capacity, making it ideal for long-term use in emergency situations.

The Sawyer Mini enables you to drink straight from a stream or lake without worrying about bacteria or protozoa getting into your system. It also filters out particulates from the water, giving you clean drinking water without any residual particles floating around in it.

If you’re planning on spending time in the wilderness, knowing how to build a shelter is crucial for your survival. Check out our article on building a wilderness shelter to learn about different types of shelters and the materials you need to construct one.

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

The LifeStraw Personal Water Filter is a water filtration system that removes 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoan parasites, making it ideal for hiking, camping or emergency situations. 

It’s also good for areas with contaminated drinking water caused by floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

The LifeStraw Personal Water Filter uses advanced hollow fiber technology that filters out harmful contaminants in the water while retaining vitamins and minerals. 

The filter is good for 1000 liters of use before needing replacement that’s 3 years if you only drink 2 liters per day! 

And because it’s portable, this product is perfect for taking on hikes or camping trips where there isn’t access to clean drinking water (and doesn’t weigh much in your pack).

Lifestraw Go Water Bottle with Integrated Filter Straw

If you’re looking for a water bottle that can also act as a filter, look no further than the Lifestraw Go Water Bottle with Integrated Filter Straw. 

The slim, compact design of this bottle makes it perfect for carrying around in your bag or backpack on a hike or camping trip. 

It’s also great to have in case you get caught in an emergency situation where you need to carry as little weight as possible.

The filter is designed to last up to 1000 liters and removes 99.99% of bacteria and 99% of protozoa (the main pathogens associated with waterborne diseases). 

This means that if your tap water is contaminated by chemicals or harmful bacteria, this will be able to remove them before they even come into contact with your mouth!

It’s really easy to use: simply fill up the bottle through its wide opening at the top, then squeeze it through one of its two openings at the bottom – one for sipping directly from it like any other standard water bottle; another allows you access directly onto your lips so there’s no need for any additional cups or spoons when camping out somewhere remote!

Choosing the right water purification system can save your life in emergency situations. Visit our comprehensive guide on selecting the best water purification system to understand the various types of systems, their features, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

LifeStraw Flex Advanced Water Filters with Gravity Bag

The LifeStraw Flex Advanced Water Filters with Gravity Bag are a good option if you’re planning to do some hiking, camping or even emergency preparedness. 

These filters work with gravity bags or water bottles and can filter up to 1,000 liters of water. The filter is good for up to 100 gallons of water.

The kit includes the filter, carrying case and 16 oz bottle which are all BPA-free materials that won’t leach chemicals into your drinking water as it passes through them.


It’s never too early to start preparing for a disaster. Emergencies are unpredictable and can strike at any time, so it’s important that you have the right tools on hand when they do. 

Water purification tablets are an essential part of any emergency kit because they disinfect water quickly and easily without adding unnecessary chemicals or toxins into your body.

Further Reading

For more information on water purification tablets and their uses in emergency situations, check out these resources:

99boulders provides an in-depth review of the best water purification tablets on the market, with a comparison chart and detailed buying guide.

TruePrepper offers an extensive guide on water purification tablets, including how they work and why they’re important, along with reviews of top-rated products.

World Water Reserve shares their top picks for the best water purification tablets and offers advice on how to use them in the field.


What are water purification tablets?

Water purification tablets are small tablets that contain chemicals that are designed to kill or remove bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from water.

How do water purification tablets work?

Most water purification tablets contain the chemical compounds iodine or chlorine, which are effective at killing harmful microorganisms in water. When added to water, these chemicals release free radicals that attack and destroy any bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

Are water purification tablets safe to use?

Water purification tablets can be safe to use when used properly, and they are generally considered a reliable method for treating water in emergency situations. However, people with iodine allergies or thyroid problems should not use iodine-based water purification tablets.

How long do water purification tablets last?

Water purification tablets have a limited shelf life, typically ranging from one to five years depending on the type and brand. It’s essential to check the expiration date and replace your tablets regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

Can water purification tablets remove all contaminants?

Water purification tablets are designed to kill or remove most microorganisms in water, but they may not be able to remove certain chemical pollutants, heavy metals, or other harmful substances. In some cases, additional treatment methods may be necessary to ensure safe drinking water.