The Dangers Of Drinking Impure Water: Are You At Risk?

Water is the most essential element for life and we all need a healthy supply of it to survive. But how much do we really know about our drinking water? 

It might seem like something that couldn’t possibly go wrong with something so basic in our daily lives, but there are many dangers lurking in your faucet that you don’t even realize. 

In fact, according to some scientists and government officials, as much as 50 percent of Americans drink contaminated water on a daily basis without knowing it! 

And while this doesn’t mean that everyone is at risk every time they turn on their sink faucet or open up a bottle of water—the risks are out there if you’re not careful

Doctors discuss the risks behind drinking contaminated water
Key Takeaways
Microbiologically contaminated drinking water can lead to serious illness and death.
The most common contaminants in drinking water include bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, and chemicals.
Drinking impure water can cause a range of health issues, including gastrointestinal problems and exposure to toxins.
Methods for purifying drinking water include filtration, distillation, boiling, and chemical treatment.
To prevent drinking contaminated water, protect your water sources, invest in a reliable water filtration system, and dispose of chemicals properly.

Lead Poisoning

Lead is a toxic metal that can cause serious health problems. It can cause brain damage and behavioural problems in children, and even be fatal at high levels. Lead poisoning has been linked to learning disabilities, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. 

Lead is also known to damage the nervous system, kidneys, blood cells and liver – but only at high concentrations.

To reduce your risk of ingesting lead:

  • Install a water filter on all taps used for drinking or cooking water
  • Test your home’s water supply for lead content (using a test kit) every three months

If you have reason to suspect that your drinking water contains excessive amounts of lead (for example if it comes from an older building), contact your local authority immediately!

For information on different water purification methods, check out our helpful guide on The Top 15 Water Purification Methods Used by Experts. Don’t leave your water safety to chance – learn about the pros and cons of each method to make an informed decision.

Chlorinated Water

Chlorine is used to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms in public water systems. However, chlorine can be toxic for humans when ingested. Chlorine toxicity can cause cancer, asthma and respiratory problems. 

These are just some of the dangers associated with drinking impure water from a public water system.

Comparison Table: Chlorinated Water Filters

BrandType of FilterFlow RateFilter LifeCost
BritaPitcher w/ Chlorine Filter1 minute per cup40 gallons or 2 months$15-30
AquasanaWhole House Water Filter w/ UV Sterilization7 gallons per minute10 years$1000-2000+
CulliganCountertop Chlorine Filter0.5 gallons per minute6 months$50-100
BerkeyGravity-Fed Chlorine FilterVaries based on size6,000 gallons or 3-5 years$200-400+

This table helps to compare different brands of filters that are designed to remove chlorine from drinking water. The filters come in various forms, including countertop, whole-house, pitcher, and gravity-fed systems. The table compares each brand’s filter type, flow rate, filter life, and cost to help consumers make an informed choice.

Toxic Chemicals in Bottled Water

You may have heard of the term “chemicals in bottled water”, but what does that mean, exactly?

It’s true that some bottled water products are made with municipal tap water and then purified or treated to remove contaminants. 

This can be done through a variety of processes; the most common ones include reverse osmosis, distillation and ozonation. 

However, even if you’re drinking filtered water out of a plastic bottle (which many people do), there’s still a good chance that it contains some amount of contaminants like:

  • BPA (bisphenol A) – an endocrine disruptor linked to cancer and other health issues
  • Phthalates – hormone-disrupting chemicals linked to obesity and reproductive disorders

Choosing the right water purification system is crucial to ensure you have access to clean water in an emergency. At Unified Survival, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you make the best decision for your needs. Take a look and start preparing today.

Stomach Aches, Diarrhea and Cramping

Stomach aches, diarrhea and cramping are all common symptoms of drinking impure water. When you have contaminated water in your system it can cause nausea, vomiting and stomach pains. You might also experience a bad taste in your mouth or headaches after chugging down some unsafe water.

Comparison Table: Probiotic Supplements for Digestive Health

BrandStrains IncludedCFUs per ServingFormCost
Garden of Life1650 billionCapsule$30-40
Renew Life1450 billionCapsule$30-40
Culturelle110 billionChewable Tablet$15-20
Align11 billionGummies$25-30

This table provides a comparison of popular probiotic supplement brands that promote digestive health and help treat stomach aches, diarrhea, and cramping. Each brand is listed with the strains included, CFUs per serving (colony-forming units, which indicate the potency of live bacteria), the form in which it’s consumed, and the cost. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each product can help consumers choose the right probiotic supplement for their needs.

Skin Irritation, Nausea and Vomiting

Skin Irritation. If you have sensitive skin, you may find that it becomes irritated when you shower or bathe in tap water that contains chlorine. This is because the disinfectant can cause your skin to dry out and crack. In some cases, dermatitis (a rash) may form on the skin as a result of chlorine exposure.

Nausea and Vomiting. Drinking impure water can also lead to nausea and vomiting due to the presence of bacteria or other contaminants in the water supply.

Water-Borne Diseases. Water-borne diseases are caused by microorganisms such as harmful bacteria, viruses and protozoan parasites living within our drinking water supplies or entering through open wounds on your body when bathing or swimming in contaminated lakes, rivers or streams

Chlorine kills these organisms by reacting with them chemically; however it does not discriminate between good guys (bacteria that live within our bodies) vs bad guys (the microbial pathogens). 

Therefore if you drink chlorinated tap water regularly and have open sores on your lips from cold sores then there’s a good chance this could cause irritation after drinking too much chlorine over time

In a survival situation, finding clean water can be challenging. That’s why it’s important to know how to purify water in the wilderness. Our guide on How to Purify Water in the Wilderness provides step-by-step instructions on different methods you can use to make sure you stay hydrated and healthy.

Dry Skin and Hair

Dry skin and hair are two of the most visible signs of impure water. Dry skin is characterized by tightness, flakiness, and itchiness. 

Dry hair tends to be brittle and easily breakable. If you have dry skin or hair or if you’re noticing other signs like wrinkles or cracked nails it’s possible that your water supply is not clean enough for drinking.

Impure water can also cause itchy eyes, which can result in redness and irritation that lasts for days after exposure to the impure water source. 

This condition may seem minor compared to others on this list, but it can get worse over time: In some cases it even leads to blindness!

Comparison Table: Moisturizing Products for Dry Skin and Hair

BrandProduct TypeActive IngredientsSkin or HairCost
CetaphilMoisturizing CreamGlycerin, Sweet Almond OilSkin$10-15
NeutrogenaHydro Boost Gel CreamHyaluronic AcidSkin$15-20
Kiehl’sCreme de Corps Whipped Body ButterShea Butter, Jojoba OilSkin$40-50
MoroccanoilIntense Hydrating MaskArgan Oil, Linseed ExtractHair$40-50
Bumble and BumbleHairdresser’s Invisible OilCoconut Oil, Argan OilHair$40-50

This table provides a comparison of popular moisturizing products for treating dry skin and hair. Each brand is listed with the type of product, active ingredients, whether it’s for skin or hair, and the cost. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each product can help consumers find the right moisturizing solutions for their specific needs.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, or dental caries, is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects more than half of all children by their fifth birthday and nearly all adults by their eighteenth birthday.

Despite how prevalent tooth decay is, many people don’t know much about it beyond the fact that they need to brush their teeth regularly and floss. But what exactly are bacteria? Where do they come from? And how can you prevent them from causing your teeth harm? Let’s find out!

Have you ever wondered what’s in your tap water? Check out The Top 10 Most Common Contaminants Found in Tap Water to learn more about the harmful substances that could be lurking in your drinking water. With this knowledge, you can take steps to avoid exposure and keep your family safe.

Water-Borne Diseases

Giardia: This parasitic infection causes diarrhea and abdominal pain, sometimes lasting for weeks.

Cryptosporidium: A single cryptosporidum organism can cause hundreds of days of watery diarrhea.

E. coli: Though it usually takes a massive exposure to E. coli to cause illness in humans, it can lead to bloody diarrhea or even kidney failure if you’re very young or old.

Salmonella: An intestinal infection caused by salmonella bacteria that can spread from person to person through contaminated food or water, resulting in fever and diarrhea that lasts up to a week after symptoms begin appearing (usually within 12 hours).

Heavy Metals in Drinking Water

When you drink water that has been contaminated with heavy metals, they can be absorbed into your body. 

Examples of common heavy metals include lead and mercury. Lead is a metallic substance that is used in paint, pipes and other products. Mercury can come from waste incineration or coal-fired power plants.

Lead can be found in drinking water if it comes from lead pipes or lead soldering in older buildings. 

If you have an old home with plumbing materials made before 1986 (the year the Safe Drinking Water Act banned most uses of lead to manufacture plumbing fixtures), then there’s a chance that some of the piping will contain traces of this metal — especially if the house was built before 1910 when laws against using lead were first introduced across America!

Mercury occurs naturally in rocks, soil and air but is also released during industrial processes such as mining operations where coal is extracted from mines containing high levels of mercury (most often used as part of pigment production).

Creating a water purification checklist is crucial for emergency preparedness. At Unified Survival, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of items you’ll need to purify water in a crisis. Take a look and make sure you have everything you need to stay safe and healthy.

Mercury Exposure

Mercury is a heavy metal that, when ingested or inhaled, can cause serious health problems. Exposure to mercury can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; it can also affect the nervous system and kidneys and even result in death. 

In fact, many people are exposed to mercury through their diet: fish such as tuna and swordfish may contain high levels of methylmercury (an organic compound produced from inorganic mercury compounds).

However, some types of fish have been found to have low levels of methylmercury—they’re considered safe to eat if you don’t eat too much at once or consume them regularly over several months (this is known as “average daily intake”). 

Additionally, some vaccines contain thimerosal—a preservative made up of about 50% ethyl mercury by weight—which could potentially lead to an increase in body burden (the total amount) if not administered correctly by healthcare professionals. 

Finally there are dental fillings containing amalgam alloy with up to 50% elemental silver contained within them; any amount greater than 8% may increase risk factors associated with chronic disease development later on down the road due its bioaccumulative nature which means that once introduced into our atmosphere through human activities like mining operations we cannot get rid off easily without proper disposal techniques being put into place first!


Cancer is a disease that affects your body’s cells. It can be caused by genetic mutations, exposure to chemicals and radiation, as well as lifestyle choices. 

Cancer is not a single disease, but rather a group of diseases. As such, it cannot simply be cured by removing one ingredient from your water supply—you would have to remove all carcinogens from the water in order to prevent cancer.

That said, there are several ways that drinking impure or contaminated water can increase your risk of getting cancer:


With so many dangers lurking in water that you might think is safe to drink, the best thing you can do for your health is to make sure you get a filter that works. 

If you have any concerns about what’s in your water, or if anyone in your home has an illness or disease that may be related to contaminated water consumption, talk with a medical professional about getting tested for heavy metals and other chemicals.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you might find useful to learn more about the dangers of drinking impure water:

World Health Organization: Drinking Water: This fact sheet from the WHO provides information on the health effects of drinking contaminated water and the impact on global public health.

ILMUK: What are the Dangers of Drinking Dirty Water?: This article provides an overview of the risks associated with consuming dirty water, including the potential for serious illness and diseases.

Hague Water of Maryland: Effects of Drinking Dirty and Contaminated Water: This resource explores the impact of contaminated water on health and well-being, including the most common waterborne diseases and how they can be prevented.


What are the consequences of drinking impure water?

Drinking impure water can lead to a range of health issues, including gastrointestinal problems, dehydration, and exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. In severe cases, consuming contaminated water can be fatal.

What are the most common contaminants found in drinking water?

The most common contaminants found in drinking water include bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, and chemicals. These can come from a variety of sources, including human and animal waste, industrial pollution, and deteriorating infrastructure.

How can I tell if my drinking water is contaminated?

Some signs that your drinking water may be contaminated include changes in taste, color, or odor, visible particles or sediment, and illness or health issues among people who have consumed the water. However, many contaminants are odorless and tasteless, so it’s important to have your water tested regularly.

What are the best methods for purifying drinking water?

There are many effective methods for purifying drinking water, including filtration, distillation, boiling, and chemical treatment. The best method for your situation will depend on the specific contaminants you need to remove and the resources available to you.

How can I prevent drinking contaminated water?

To prevent drinking contaminated water, it’s important to take steps to protect your water sources, such as regular testing and maintenance of wells and other water sources. You can also invest in a reliable water filtration or purification system and be mindful of the products you use and dispose of, as some chemicals can contaminate water sources.