The Most Dangerous Urban Survival Scenarios And How To Handle Them

Survivalist? Prepper? Doomsday prepper? Whatever your term of choice, we’re all preparing for the potential end of civilization as we know it. 

But what if you had to survive in an urban environment? How would that change things for you? Well, for starters, there’s no sheltering yourself in a remote cabin and waiting out the apocalypse. 

Instead, you’ll be surrounded by people some of whom will probably be armed with weapons even more dangerous than yours! 

So let’s take a look at some scenarios that could arise during an urban emergency situation:

Urban Survival: Most Effective Tactics to Outsmart Urban Danger
Understanding survival techniques can make a big difference in dangerous scenarios.
Proper preparation and planning can help you navigate emergency situations.
Essential survival skills include shelter building, fire starting, water collection and purification, food foraging, first aid, navigation, and self-defense.
Building a support system is important when facing grief and loss.
Following expert guidelines on choosing water purification systems can help you stay safe in emergency situations.
Knowing which animals to avoid and how to react when encountering them is critical in the wild.
Urban survival involves unique challenges that require specialized skills and resources.
Creating a survival kit tailored to your needs and environment can be a lifesaver in emergency situations.
Avoiding common survival mistakes such as panic, lack of planning, and insufficient supplies can improve your chances of survival.
Staying informed about potential risks and threats can help you prepare for and respond to emergency situations.


Germs are just one of the many dangers you’ll face when you’re outside in the city. They can be found everywhere, and they can spread quickly.

Germs are easy to pick up through touch, air and water. You probably already know about germs like E. coli, whooping cough and MRSA that cause diarrhea, nausea or vomiting—and don’t forget about things like flu viruses or salmonella from food poisoning!

Germs aren’t always obvious: You might not realize that a tiny insect could be carrying a disease until it’s too late! For example: ticks can transmit Lyme disease; mosquitos carry Zika virus; fleas spread bubonic plague (the Black Death).

When facing a wildlife encounter, it’s important to know how to react. Surviving a bear attack provides tips on dealing with grizzly bears in the wild to keep you safe.

A Long Breakdown Of Infrastructure

If the infrastructure does go down for a long time, it’s important not to panic. This is because it could be quite some time before you’re able to get your hands on fresh water, clean food and basic necessities like soap and shampoo.

In fact, the government may be so overwhelmed by the severity of this problem that they won’t even have time to think about restoring basic services until well into 2020 or 2021!

Here are some tips on how best to prepare yourself:

  • Stock up on food that doesn’t require cooking—like rice crackers or dried fruit bars—and store them away in an airtight container.
  • Find out how long your own community’s supply of bottled water lasts (usually about 2 weeks), then set aside enough for yourself as well as your family members or pets who depend on you. If you can’t do this yourself, find out if there are any local organizations who can help distribute clean drinking water where needed; if not, consider giving them some money so they can buy supplies and start doing just that!

A Comprehensive Breakdown of Infrastructure Components

Power GridThe network of power generation facilities and transmission lines that delivers electricity to consumers.GE Energy, Siemens Energy
TransportationThe systems, networks, and facilities used to move people, goods, and vehicles from one place to another.Boeing, Airbus, Ford Motor Co.
Water ManagementThe treatment, storage, and distribution of water resources used for drinking, sanitation, and irrigation.Suez, Veolia, American Water Works
TelecommunicationsThe infrastructure used to transmit voice and data communications over long distances.AT&T, Verizon, Nokia
Waste DisposalThe handling and processing of waste materials to reduce harm to people and the environment.Waste Management, Inc., Republic Services
Public SafetyThe systems, services, and facilities that help protect the public from harm, including emergency response services and law enforcement.Motorola Solutions, Inc., Axon (formerly Taser International)
HealthcareThe facilities, equipment, and personnel used to deliver medical care and services to patients.Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, McKesson Corporation

This table provides an overview of common infrastructure components and examples of companies involved in each sector.


No matter where you live, crime is always a threat. It’s important to know how to handle dangerous situations.

Protect yourself from criminals. You should have weapons and tools that can help protect you in case of an attack. For example, having pepper spray or a stun gun may help deter someone who wants to rob or harm you. If they still try to hurt you, then your weapon will be ready!

Know what kind of criminals are around so that it’s easier for you to avoid them:

Robbers want money or valuables like jewelry; they may also be willing to take food if they’re desperate enough…but don’t give them anything unless it’s absolutely necessary (like when getting something back from a robber).

Predators look for children who are alone because prey is easier when there isn’t anyone else around who could fight back against them – so make sure everyone stays together at all times! 

Predators also become more likely when natural disasters strike since people need help immediately after such events occur without warning.

The lack of shelter can be a major concern when out in the wilderness. Fortunately, How to build a shelter in the wilderness offers a guide that teaches you how to build a reliable shelter in a survival situation.

Natural Disasters

You’re out scavenging for supplies in the aftermath of a tornado, when you hear it: an ominous rumbling sound growing louder by the second. 

As you turn around and see the funnel cloud bearing down on you, no doubt about it a tornado has touched down. 

You’ve heard all about what to do in case of an earthquake or hurricane, but tornadoes are different from those natural disasters; they happen much less frequently. Here’s what to do if one comes your way:

Be Prepared

Tornadoes can strike without warning at any time of year, even when it doesn’t seem like they should be possible (like during winter). 

It’s essential that you take steps now to prepare yourself for such an event so that when one hits, you’re ready. 

The best way is by getting yourself some sort of shelter a tent works well and costs only $30 or so or building an underground bunker using sandbags (and then filling them with dirt). This will protect your home from most damage caused by high winds associated with tornadoes. 

Also make sure that everyone has a flashlight handy and knows how to turn off gas appliances properly before fleeing outside during inclement weather conditions like these!

Natural Disasters and Disaster Relief Organizations

Disaster TypeDescriptionRelief Organization
HurricanesA tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain that can cause significant damage to coastal areas.American Red Cross, World Vision, UNICEF
EarthquakesThe shaking of the Earth’s surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates, often resulting in significant damage to buildings and infrastructure.Oxfam International, International Medical Corps, Save the Children
WildfiresAn uncontrolled fire that burns across vegetation, forests, and homes, often caused by droughts or human activity.National Wildfire Foundation, GlobalGiving, Direct Relief
FloodsThe overflow of water onto usually dry land, often caused by heavy rains or levee and dam failures.WaterAid, CARE, Mercy Corps
TornadoesA rapidly rotating column of air that forms from thunderstorms and reaches the ground, often causing damage to residential areas.Team Rubicon, Feeding America, Convoy of Hope
DroughtsA prolonged period without rain or precipitation that can cause agricultural and health problems.Christian Aid, Action Against Hunger, Oxfam America

This table provides an overview of common natural disaster types along with associated relief organizations that provide aid during and after disasters.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating food contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses, or parasites. 

This can happen if the food has been handled by someone who doesn’t properly wash their hands after going to the bathroom or touching raw meat or poultry. It can also occur if the food isn’t cooked thoroughly enough to kill off these organisms.

Food poisoning is characterized by vomiting and diarrhea that might last for up to 3 days. You may feel weak, tired and have a fever during this time as well as abdominal cramps and pain.

It’s important to seek medical attention if you have severe symptoms like bloody stools or dehydration that persists more than 12 hours after you begin vomiting and/or having diarrhea

Knowing which animals to avoid when in the wild is crucial to staying safe. The top 10 most dangerous creatures in the wilderness is an informative guide that goes over the most concerning creatures to watch for in the wild.


Fires are one of the most common and devastating urban survival scenarios. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent fires from happening in your home or workplace. Some of these include:

Install smoke detectors throughout your home to alert you before a fire starts.

Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children and pets. You should also have a designated storage area for those items that is at least ten feet away from any mattresses or furniture (or anything else that could catch fire easily).

Avoid plugging too many electrical devices into extension cords. This can cause overheating, which leads to fires. If you need more power than what an extension cord provides, consider hiring an electrician to install new wiring for you instead of trying it yourself!

If you find yourself caught in a building on fire whether it’s an apartment complex or office building—you should exit through one side door rather than going down through the stairwells where other people might be trapped as well (you’ll just make matters worse). 

If the exit doors are locked because everyone has already left, try breaking them open with something like a hammer so no one gets hurt trying them first (and then call 911!).


If you’re living in an urban area, it’s likely that you’ve seen or at least heard about the rise of terrorism in recent years. 

It’s also likely that you have some idea of what kind of damage and destruction can be caused by a terrorist attack but should you ever find yourself facing one, here’s what to expect:

  • Terrorist attacks are becoming more frequent around the world, so it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings.
  • There is no one way for a terrorist attack to occur; all cities are vulnerable, regardless of their location or size.

While there isn’t much we can do about when these attacks will happen (they’re unpredictable), we can prepare ourselves by keeping our eyes open and being vigilant at all times. 

The most likely target will be crowded public places with high pedestrian traffic during rush hour or summertime weekends when people aren’t working as much.

When caught off guard without shelter, it’s important to have an emergency plan in place. 17 Emergency shelter ideas in this guide offer creative solutions to quickly build shelter when it matters most.


A pandemic is a global health crisis that spreads rapidly from person to person. Pandemics can be caused by new viruses (like Ebola), bacteria (such as the bubonic plague) or parasites (like malaria).

It’s important to know what a pandemic is and how you can prepare for one. The first thing you should do if you think there may be an outbreak of illness in your area is get vaccinated against it. If the disease is contagious, this will prevent or decrease its spread so you don’t become infected yourself. 

It also helps protect other people in your community who may not have been able to get vaccinated yet because they are too young or elderly or because they were planning on traveling outside of the country when vaccines became available there instead!

There are several ways that a pandemic can start: from animals such as birds; through insects like mosquitoes transmitting viruses between humans; through food products like meat being contaminated with bacteria during production processes such as slaughtering or cutting meat into smaller pieces; and even through air travel where people carry germs unknowingly on their clothing shoes etcetera.. 

These different routes make it hard to predict exactly how each type of disease might spread across cities worldwide – but whatever route happens first could be very different than later ones due just simply because we’ve already seen so much research done on these kinds of diseases before now.”

Drought And Water Restrictions

If you find yourself in a drought, you will likely have to deal with water restrictions. You should be prepared for this by having at least three gallons of potable water on hand at all times. 

If there’s a drought in your area, it generally means that the state or county has declared an emergency and is instituting mandatory water restrictions. 

This means that it’s illegal for anyone to use more than their allotted amount of water (generally about 35 gallons per household per day).

If the situation gets really dire, you may not be able to get any more water legally at all this is especially true if there are wildfires raging nearby and fire hydrants are being used to fight them. 

In this case, you’ll have to use whatever means possible in order to collect enough water for survival: digging deep wells into lakes; digging shallow trenches around rivers; taking advantage of rainwater runoff; even going so far as stealing from neighbors!

Understanding urban survival techniques can mean the difference between life and death in a crisis. The ultimate guide to surviving in the city is a comprehensive resource that provides essential tips on staying safe in an urban environment.

Nuclear Fallout From An Attack Or Accident

The danger of nuclear fallout is that it can be carried long distances by the wind, and it can stay in place for a long time after the explosion. 

If you are exposed to radiation from an explosion or accident, you may experience radiation sickness or cancer. The best way to protect yourself is to stay indoors if possible. If you must go outdoors:

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth (a surgical mask or wet handkerchief works well).
  • Wear sunglasses that block ultraviolet light (if available).
  • Wear clothing that covers as much of your body as possible—pants, long sleeves and closed shoes are recommended.
  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water


In the end, all you can do is be prepared for the worst. You should have a lot of food, water, and medicine stored up in case something happens. 

And if it does happen? You need to know what to do with your family and friends so that they don’t get sick or hurt while you’re trying to stay safe yourself!

Further readings

If you want to learn more about survival scenarios and techniques, here are some recommended articles:

How to Survive 10 Nightmare Scenarios: A comprehensive guide on how to survive various life-threatening scenarios in the wilderness.

Urban Survival: 15 Ways to Protect Your Family and Home: A guide that covers tips and techniques for staying safe and prepared in urban environments.

How to survive life-threatening situations, from fires to lonely hikes: This article offers practical advice on handling various dangerous situations.


What is survival preparedness?

Survival preparedness involves developing skills, knowledge, and resources to be self-sufficient and survive in difficult or dangerous situations. It includes being ready to handle natural or man-made disasters, emergencies, or unexpected events.

What are some essential survival skills?

Some essential survival skills include shelter building, fire starting, water collection and purification, food foraging, first aid, navigation, and self-defense.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in survival situations?

Common mistakes to avoid include panic, lack of planning, over-reliance on technology, lack of first-aid knowledge, insufficient water or food supplies, and lack of proper outdoor gear.

How do I prepare for an emergency situation?

Preparing for an emergency situation involves creating a plan, building an emergency kit, developing survival skills, and staying informed about potential risks and threats.

What should I pack in my survival kit?

A survival kit should include essentials such as water and food supplies, first aid items, shelter and bedding, fire starters, navigation tools, communication devices, and personal protective gear. The items in your kit should be tailored to your needs and the environment you will be in.