The Top 10 Most Common Contaminants Found In Tap Water

The water you’re drinking could be contaminated with numerous types of contaminants, including chemicals like fluoride, bacteria such as cryptosporidium and giardia, radioactive elements like radon, and even pharmaceutical drugs. 

That being said, it’s important to know what’s in your tap water so that you can make informed decisions about how best to protect yourself and your family from potential dangers. 

Here are the top 10 most common contaminates found in tap water:

Drinking water across the country may contain a ‘ticking time
Tap water can contain a variety of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and chemicals.
Lead and arsenic are common contaminants found in tap water that can cause serious health problems.
Proper water filtration systems can effectively remove most water contaminants and provide clean, safe drinking water.
Water testing kits are widely available and can help you identify the contaminants present in your tap water.
Prevention is key when it comes to water contamination, so staying informed about your local water supply is essential.

1. Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in the earth’s soil and water. It’s added to municipal drinking water at the rate of 0.7 parts per million (ppm) as part of a public health initiative to prevent tooth decay.

The majority of groundwater sources have high levels of fluoride, but surface waters can also contain it—especially those near industrial sites or with volcanic activity nearby, like Hawaii’s geothermal vents.

Drinking clean water is crucial to your health. Check out our guide on impure water to learn more about the contaminants that could be lurking in your tap water.

2. Chlorine

Chlorine is a chemical disinfectant used to kill bacteria and other microbes in water. It’s added to drinking water to kill bacteria that can cause illness, such as diarrhea from E. coli or Legionnaires disease from Legionella pneumophila. Chlorine is also used to kill bacteria in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas.

Though chlorine may be beneficial for public health by killing harmful microbes in tap water supplies (and protecting people who swim), it can be bad for your skin and hair if you drink a lot of tap water with high concentrations of the chemical or use tap water on your hair without using a conditioner or other product designed to protect against the drying effects of chlorine on strands. 

This is why many people prefer bottled spring water or filtered tap sources over regular municipal sources when they want access to drinking water without any chemicals added and if you’re concerned about what kind of exposure you’re getting from your local supply being too high

Best Water Filters to Remove Chlorine Contaminants

BrandModelFilter TypeFeaturesPrice
Aquasana3-Stage Under Sink Water Filter SystemActivated Carbon & Catalytic Carbon FiltersLong filter life, NSF certified, removes 99% of chlorine$195.99
BerkeyGravity-Fed Water FilterBlack Berkey FiltersPortable, removes not only chlorine but also other contaminants$249.00
PelicanWhole House Water Filtration SystemCarbon FilterRemoves chlorine, great for larger homes or multi-family units$829.00
CulliganUnder Sink Drinking Water FilterCarbon Block FilterCompact design, removes 99% of chlorine taste and odor$72.99
BritaLonglast Water Filter PitcherActivated CarbonAffordable, slim design perfect for small households, removes 99% of chlorine$34.99

This table provides a comparison of the best water filters that are effective at removing chlorine contaminants. Each product includes important features, such as the filter type, price, and brand, to help consumers choose the best option for their needs.


3. Chloromines

Chloramines are a combination of chlorine and ammonia. They have a strong chlorine smell, which you may notice when you take a shower or wash your hands. Chloramines are used in the water treatment process to make tap water safe for drinking. 

When you drink chloramine-infused tap water, it may trigger eye irritation, skin irritation and respiratory irritation such as coughing and wheezing in some people. Chloramines can also cause allergic reactions like asthma or sneezing fits if you’re sensitive to them.

There are many methods for purifying water, but which one is best for you? Take a look at our guide on water purification methods to learn more about the experts’ preferred techniques.

4. Lead

One of the most common contaminants in tap water is lead. Lead is a heavy metal that can be found in some plumbing materials and drinking water supplies. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set limits on how much lead can be present in drinking water, but these levels vary depending on where you live. 

While most people don’t have to worry about consuming too much lead, it’s still important to know what you might encounter when you turn on your faucet.

Lead can cause learning disabilities when consumed by children who are still growing and developing their brains, so it’s important for parents to be aware of any possible sources of exposure. 

Moreover, if pregnant women consume lead through water or other means they could pass it along to their babies before birth so pregnant women should take extra care around potentially contaminated sources!

Top Water Filters to Remove Lead Contaminants

BrandModelFilter TypeFeaturesPrice
AquasanaOptimH2O Reverse Osmosis + ClaryumReverse Osmosis & Carbon FiltersNSF certified, removes 98% of lead, fast flow rate, alkalizes water$299.99
iSpring6-Stage Under Sink Reverse Osmosis Water FilterReverse Osmosis FiltersRemoves up to 99% of lead and other contaminants, compact design$239.99
PelicanCountertop Drinking Water Filter SystemCarbon Block FilterSimple installation, removes 99% of lead, compact design$89.99
APEC Water Systems5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water FilterReverse Osmosis FiltersRemoves up to 99% of lead and other contaminants, energy efficient, noise-free$199.99
ZeroWater10-Cup PitcherIon Exchange & Carbon FiltersComes with a TDS meter to measure water purity, removes 99% of lead, pitcher design$34.99

This table compares the top water filters that can effectively remove lead contaminants. Each product includes key features, filter type, and price to help consumers decide which one is best for their needs.

5. Arsenic

Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that can be found in groundwater, well water, surface water and tap water. Ingesting high levels of arsenic has been linked to cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Arsenic is most common in well water from shallow wells where the bedrock is close to the surface. 

The U.S. Geological Survey recently studied arsenic contamination at more than 3,000 private wells nationwide and found that about two percent of them had arsenic levels above the EPA’s maximum contaminant level for drinking water (MCL).

It’s important for consumers to know about their local source of drinking water so they can determine if there are any risks associated with consumption or not

If you’re lost in the wilderness and don’t have a clean water source, what can you do? Our survival tips guide provides you with essential information on how to create drinkable water out of questionable sources.

6. Nitrates

Nitrates can be a problem. They’re found in the water supply, but not as often as some of the other things on this list. 

Nitrates are naturally occurring compounds that come from fertilizer run-off and soil erosion. They can also be produced by bacteria in your septic system or by fertilizers used in agriculture.

So what’s the big deal?

If you drink water with high levels of nitrate, then it could cause anemia in infants under six months old. In pregnant women over 18 years old, it may cause birth defects or low-birthweight babies.

How do you fix it? The easiest thing to do is filter out any harmful contaminants using a pitcher filter or a faucet attachment designed specifically for filtering tap water. 

If you don’t want to spend money on one of these filters (or if they don’t fit on your faucet), consider boiling your tap water before cooking with it this kills off any bacteria responsible for producing nitrates.

How do I test my water for nitrates? You can buy test strips at most hardware stores; just follow the instructions on how to use them before testing does not work well either way!

Key Water Filters for Removing Nitrate Contaminants

BrandModelFilter TypeFeaturesPrice
AquasanaWhole House Well Water Filter SystemActivated Carbon & KDF FiltersIdeal for well water with high levels of nitrates, removes 97% of nitrates & other contaminants$799.99
Home MasterArtesian Full Contact Reverse Osmosis Water Filter SystemReverse Osmosis & Activated Carbon FiltersRemineralizes water, removes 98% of nitrates & other contaminants, filters last 1 year$540.00
Express WaterReverse Osmosis Alkaline Water Filtration SystemReverse Osmosis & Activated Carbon FiltersProduces alkaline water, filters last up to 1 year, removes up to 99.99% of nitrates & other contaminants$209.99
APEC Water Systems6-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water FilterReverse Osmosis FiltersRemoves up to 99% of nitrates & other contaminants, easy installation, 1-year warranty$279.00
BerkeyGravity-Fed Water FilterBlack Berkey FiltersPortable, removes up to 99.99% of nitrates & other contaminants, no electricity or plumbing needed$249.00

This table provides information on the best water filters for removing nitrate contaminants. Each product includes key features, filter type, and price to help consumers choose the best option based on their specific needs and budget.

7. Trihalomethanes

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are a byproduct of chlorination, which is used to disinfect water. They’re formed when organic matter in the water reacts with chlorine, and they can be found at an elevated level in your tap water if you live near a well.

The health effects of consuming THMs include liver problems, reproductive issues, dizziness and skin irritation. 

If you’re concerned about these contaminants in your home’s drinking supply, there are several ways to reduce their concentration:

  • Use a filtration system that removes them from your tap water or flushes them out of the plumbing system after use
  • Boil your water before cooking or drinking it

It can be difficult to determine whether tap water is contaminated or not. Check out our guide on finding out whether your tap water is contaminated or not to learn what to look for.

8. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are a group of chemicals that have low boiling points and can evaporate into the air. VOCs can be found in many common household products like paint, cleaning supplies, air fresheners and pesticides.

VOCs have been linked to health issues like headaches, dizziness and nausea. They can also cause damage to the nervous system and liver when inhaled over long periods of time.

9. Pesticides and Herbicides

Pesticides and herbicides are used to kill insects, weeds and other pests. Some examples of pesticides are malathion, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos and diazinon. Herbicides include atrazine and bentazone. 

They can be found in the water supply by leaching into the soil from farm fields or runoff from lawns after rainstorms. You may not see them but they could still be lurking in your tap water!

Preparedness is the key to water safety in emergency situations. Take a look at our guide on the ultimate water purification checklist to learn about the essential items you need to have on hand in order to stay safe and hydrated.

10. Pharmaceutical Drugs

This is a big one. It’s not just hormones and birth control pills that can be found in tap water, but also painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin and antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin, which was prescribed to help fight anthrax during the 2001 anthrax attacks. 

These drugs are often flushed down toilets or dumped into waste streams (like wastewater from hospitals), where they eventually make their way into rivers and lakes via drainage pipes. 

Once there, they settle out at the bottom of bodies of water along with other contaminants including heavy metals and nutrients from fertilizers used in farming that then become part of the sediment-boundary layer (SBL). 

This is where drinking water comes from: It’s drawn up through wells into our homes via those same SBLs! The Environmental Protection Agency has set limits on most pharmaceuticals; however, due to their chemical makeup (usually carbon-hydrogen bonds), some compounds pass through treatment plants unaltered. 

This means that even if you have a filter installed on your faucet at home or drink bottled water instead of tap water while traveling abroad, there’s still no guarantee these chemicals won’t end up inside your body when you consume them through your meals or beverages made with contaminated SBLs as an ingredient..


In conclusion, tap water is not the best choice for drinking, but it can be used for cooking and making tea or coffee. 

The most common contaminants found in tap water are fluoride, chlorine, chloromines, lead, arsenic and nitrates.

Further Reading

Here are a few additional resources to help you learn more about tap water contaminants:

Top 10 Contaminants Found in Tap Water – Aquasana provides a comprehensive list of the most common contaminants found in tap water.

Drinking Water Contamination – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers an overview of drinking water contamination and its health effects.

12 Dangerous Contaminants in Your Water Supply – SpringWell discusses 12 dangerous contaminants in water supply and how to remove them from your tap water.


What are tap water contaminants?

Tap water contaminants are substances that can be found in tap water, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, pesticides, and metals. These contaminants can cause various health problems, and their levels exceed regulatory standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What are the most common types of tap water contaminants?

The most common types of tap water contaminants include lead, arsenic, chlorine, chloramine, fluoride, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. Other contaminants may also be present, depending on the location and source of the water.

How do tap water contaminants affect our health?

Tap water contaminants can affect our health in various ways, such as causing gastrointestinal problems, neurological impairments, developmental issues in children, reproductive problems, and even cancer.

How can you test for tap water contaminants?

You can test for tap water contaminants by contacting your local water utility company or using a water testing kit. Water testing kits are widely available and can detect the presence of various contaminants in your tap water.

How can you remove tap water contaminants?

You can remove tap water contaminants by using a water filtration system, such as activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis systems, or distillation systems. These systems can effectively remove most contaminants and provide you with clean, safe drinking water.