The Top 10 Urban Survival Gear Items You Need To Have

When you live in the city, there’s a certain level of preparedness that comes from being at the mercy of your home and work. 

If something happens, like an earthquake or a terrorist attack, there’s virtually nothing you can do about it other than to try and make yourself as safe as possible. 

Because of this, I believe it’s important to be prepared for situations that could quickly turn dangerous without warning. Here are ten items that every urban survivalist should have:

Top 10 Best Urban Survival Gear & Urban Survival Kit
10 essential tools and gear items for urban survival
Don’t overlook important gear items like multi-tools and first aid kits
Tactical clothing and self-defense items can be helpful in urban survival situations
Portable water filters or purification tablets are vital in survival situations
Always be prepared with an emergency kit that includes food, water, and shelter provisions

1. A Survivor’s Kit

The first step to surviving in the urban jungle is to have a survival kit. This kit should include:

  • A first aid kit.
  • Water purification tablets or filter.

Food, such as MREs (meals ready-to-eat) and dried foods that don’t need water to rehydrate them. You can also add in some energy bars for quick energy and protein when needed.

Fire starters such as lighters and matches, or magnesium fire starters if you’re really worried about losing your lighter fluid during an emergency situation where supplies are limited and you might be stranded for longer than expected. 

If possible, include safety matches so you don’t have to worry about breaking your fingers trying unsuccessfully to light your fire starter! 

Do not attempt this unless you know how much pressure it takes on these types of matches before they ignite; otherwise keep some lighters handy just in case! 

Note: If using those little “waterproof” sticks from the dollar store that claim they’ll light up even when wet they won’t work well under water pressure like what happens inside our bodies when we drown ourselves while swimming across a river full of hungry crocodiles while trying desperately not die.

Knowing how to create a 72-hour urban survival kit could make a difference in an emergency situation. Check out our guide on how to create a 72-hour urban survival kit to be prepared for anything that might come your way.

2. A Sharp & Safe Knife

Knives are an essential piece of urban survival gear. They can be used to slice food and vegetables, as well as whittle wood or carve animal traps and other tools.

When it comes to knives, there are many different shapes and sizes out there—but the most important aspect is that they must be sharp! 

A dull knife will only hinder you in your efforts, so be sure to get one that has a sharp edge on it when you’re purchasing one.

Avoid getting the cheap ones with plastic handles and blades made from aluminum or stainless steel; these tend to break easily and aren’t very durable. Instead look for high-quality products made by companies such as Benchmade or Spyderco (which can cost upwards of $80). 

They’ll last much longer than cheaper ones without sacrificing quality or comfortability when using them and trust me: if you’re going camping or hiking into unfamiliar territory where survival situations could arise at any moment…you want something dependable like this because lives could depend on it!

Recommended Knives for Urban Survival

BenchmadeGriptilianDurable, lightweight, and easy to use with a versatile blade
SpydercoDelica 4Lightweight knife with excellent edge retention and ergonomic design
GerberStrongArmFull tang blade with diamond-texture rubber handle for a secure grip
KershawBlurHigh-performance steel blade with a comfortable and secure grip handle
SOGFlash IIAssisted opening knife with a durable and corrosion-resistant blade

Note: There are many other great knives available on the market, and this table only represents a few good examples. When selecting a knife for urban survival, make sure to consider your specific needs and preferences.

3. A Respirator

The respirator is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that covers the mouth and nose to protect against inhaling airborne particles. 

They are used in many industries to protect against harmful materials, including wood dust, metal fumes and asbestos. A respirator also filters out dusts, gases and vapors that may be harmful to the wearer.

There are two types of respirators: air-purifying respirators (APRs) and air-supplied respirators (ASRs). 

An APR uses filters to remove contaminants from the surrounding air before it’s inhaled by an individual; an ASR provides clean breathing air from an external source such as a tank or compressor.

In an urban survival situation, having access to practical hacks that could potentially save your life is essential. Check out our page on the top 10 urban survival hacks to learn more about creative solutions to challenging situations.

4. Good Boots

You’re going to want to make sure you have a good pair of boots, which will help protect your feet in the elements. 

This is especially important if you are going on an urban survival mission and may have to be on your feet for long periods of time. 

Also, when walking through dense forest or urban streets, there will be plenty of obstacles in your path that could potentially hurt your feet if they aren’t protected by good boots. 

For this reason alone it’s vital that you have a pair that offers protection while being comfortable enough so as not to cause any discomfort while walking long distances (or climbing up buildings).

Whether hiking or exploring an abandoned building, having some rugged footwear is essential for protecting yourself from injury and also keeping up with fellow survivors who might be wearing better gear than yours!

Recommended Boots for Urban Survival

SalomonQuest 4D 3 GTXLightweight, durable, and waterproof boots with excellent traction
MerrellMen’s Moab 2 WaterproofComfortable and durable hiking boots with waterproof protection
DannerTachyonLightweight and breathable boots with a supportive sole and comfortable fit
TimberlandMen’s White Ledge Mid WaterproofDurable and waterproof boots with a rubber outsole and cushioned collar
BatesGX-8 WaterproofMoisture-wicking boots with a slip-resistant rubber outsole and comfortable fit

Note: The suggested boots in this table are examples of high-quality and durable boots for urban survival. However, when choosing boots for survival situations in an urban environment, it is essential to consider your specific needs and circumstances.

5. Food and Water

Food and water are the most important aspects of staying alive during an emergency. Without them, you will die within a few days.

You need to have a plan for how you will get food and water when an emergency happens. If there is no food anywhere in your area, you need to have a way to get it from somewhere else (or make it yourself).

You also need to figure out how you’ll store the food and water before you actually use them. That means having enough storage containers that can be easily transported around so they don’t take up too much space; plus knowing how long different types of foods last so that you know what can sit out longer than others without going bad or becoming unsafe for consumption.

Finally, once all the planning is done, it’s time to collect the actual items that will allow us survive! 

This includes finding ways both within our homes as well as outside sources like grocery stores where we can purchase not only what types but also how much would fit nicely into each one since we’ll likely be limited on space due to other supplies such as clothing being packed away into smaller bags/boxes instead (not necessarily something anyone likes doing but necessary nonetheless).

Urban survival scenarios can be daunting, but with the right skills and knowledge, you can navigate through them. Check out our page on the most dangerous urban survival scenarios to learn how to prepare yourself for the unexpected.

6. Emergency Radio

You can get information about local events and where help is located. This can be especially useful if you need to evacuate your area, or if your town has been isolated by a storm. 

A good radio will have an AM/FM frequency so that you can listen to the news and weather reports, as well as local events.

Recommended Emergency Radios for Urban Survival

MidlandER310Emergency crank weather alert radio with powerful flashlight and USB charging capabilities
EtonFRX3+Rugged and portable emergency weather radio with built-in solar panel and hand crank
KaitoKA500Portable and compact emergency radio with multiple power options and weather alert features
SangeanMMR-88Lightweight and durable emergency radio with LED flashlight and USB charging capabilities
C. CraneCC Solar ObserverHigh-quality and reliable emergency radio with solar power and AM/FM/NOAA weather channels

Note: The suggested emergency radios in this table prioritize functionality and durability in emergency situations. These models offer various power options, weather alerts, and features that could be beneficial in urban survival situations. However, when choosing an emergency radio, it is crucial to select one that suits your specific needs and emergency situations.

7. Flashlight/w extra batteries

A flashlight is a must-have item. You’ll want to make sure that it’s sturdy and waterproof, with a long battery life and an adjustable beam.

A headlamp is another great option, but not everyone likes wearing headlamps on their forehead all day long! If you prefer this type of light, make sure to get one that has red filters built in so you can use it as needed without blinding yourself or others with its bright white light while working around campfires during the night.

Access to clean water is vital in every survival situation. Learn about different water purification methods by checking out our guide on the best water purification tablets for emergencies to gain more insights and be prepared for any situation.

8. LED Lantern

LED lanterns are an excellent choice for any survival kit. They are useful in both indoor and outdoor situations, as well as being lightweight and compact. 

LED lanterns have a long battery life, which means you can use the light for a long period of time before it needs to be recharged. 

In addition, they’re easy to use and don’t require much maintenance. Overall, these qualities make them one of the best choices when it comes to urban survival gear!

9. Binoculars or Monoculars

If you’re looking for a pair of binoculars, but don’t want to break the bank on one, consider going with a monocular. 

A monocular uses a single lens instead of two and gives you the best features of both binoculars and telescopes in one compact package.

Monoculars are great for when you need something small and portable that will help increase your field of vision without breaking your wallet (or backpack). 

If you’re looking for something more long-range than what comes standard with typical binoculars or monoculars, then consider investing in a mid-range telescope set up.

In any survival situation, knowing how to build a shelter is crucial. Learn about the best materials for building a shelter by visiting our page on the top 15 materials for building a shelter and gain valuable insights on how to protect yourself from the elements.

10. Cell Phone W/W Chargers And Power Bank In Case Power Goes Out

The cell phone is the most important item that you need to have on hand. Your primary use for it will be for communication, but there are so many other things that you can do with your cell phone that can help keep you alive and safe during an urban survival situation. 

You will also want to keep it charged at all times so you don’t run into any problems when trying to make a call or use other apps on your phone.

An external power bank is incredibly useful because it allows users to charge their phones without having access to an outlet or USB port. 

If you’re worried about having enough battery life in case of an emergency, then this item is essential!

A backup charger is another great tool because if something happens while charging your device using a power bank or wall charger (like an earthquake), then at least this way there’s still another way making sure that everything works properly before heading out into the night


At the end of the day, your survival kit should be filled with the items that will help you survive in any situation. 

No matter where you are or what kind of emergency you’re facing, these items will always come in handy!

Further Reading

Here are a few additional resources that can provide you with more information on urban survival gear:

10 Urban Survival Gear You Forgot to Buy: This article provides a list of often-overlooked items necessary for urban survival.

The Best Urban Survival Gear in 2021: This page shares some of the top gear options for urban survival in 2021.

50 Survival Gear Items You Need to Put in Your Backpack: This page provides a comprehensive list of survival gear that could be helpful in an urban environment.


What is urban survival gear?

Urban survival gear includes various items used to prepare for survival situations in an urban environment, such as natural disasters, social unrest, or other emergencies.

What are some examples of urban survival gear?

Some examples of urban survival gear include first aid kits, multi-tools, portable water filters, emergency food rations, and self-defense items like pepper spray.

Why is it important to have urban survival gear?

Having urban survival gear can be the difference between life and death in emergencies. It can help you with basic needs like shelter, water, and food, as well as provide you with important tools to protect yourself and your family.

Can you survive in an urban environment without survival gear?

It is possible to survive in an urban environment without survival gear, but it is not recommended. Urban survival gear can help you overcome challenges and difficulties, especially in emergency situations.

How do I choose the best urban survival gear?

Choosing the best urban survival gear requires researching and understanding the needs and challenges of urban survival. You should consider factors like portability, durability, reliability, and functionality when selecting gear. Additionally, you may want to seek advice from experts or learn from others who have experienced urban survival situations.