The Ultimate Water Purification Checklist: What You Need To Know

Not all water is created equal. Some of it is dirty, contaminated and unsafe to drink. The good news is that you can purify this water to make it healthier and safer for consumption. 

This post will help you learn what you need to know about drinking water safety, how to test your own tap water and how easy it can be to treat your own tap water with a filtration system or other method of purification.

Water filtration and purification are essential for safeguarding our health and well-being.
There are several reliable and effective ways to purify water, including boiling, chemical treatments, and filtration systems.
Factors to consider when choosing the right water filtration system include the type of filter, the method of filtration, and the target contaminants.
Preventative maintenance on your water filtration system is important to ensure that it functions properly and lasts longer.
When hiking or camping in the backcountry, always treat water from natural sources before drinking it to avoid harmful bacteria and parasites.

Water Purification System Types

There are a few different types of water purification systems, including:

Filters—Filters remove particles from the water but don’t necessarily kill bacteria. Two common filters are portable ones that you can use on-the-go and those that you attach to your kitchen faucet. 

The latter is especially helpful if you want to make sure your family has clean drinking water while they’re home, but still need to go out for errands or activities. 

They also come in all shapes and sizes, so it might just depend on which one fits best within your budget! To get an idea of what each type looks like, take a look at this article here

UV (ultraviolet) light—UV light kills microorganisms in the water by destroying their DNA through exposure to photons of electromagnetic radiation. 

This process does not require any additional chemicals or catalysts—it just requires exposure time under specific conditions for effective results! 

You can use these types of systems at home or take them with you on trips abroad; however keep in mind since they rely on electricity (either from batteries or solar power), there may be some limitations depending upon where/when travelling outside North America

If you’re an adventurous person who likes to spend time in the wilderness, it’s important to know how to purify water. This article provides excellent tips for different methods of water purification that you can use to safeguard your health while enjoying nature.

Bacteria In Water

Bacteria can be found in most water sources and can cause disease, illness, and even death. Bacteria like E. coli are spread by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. 

Other bacteria such as Salmonella live as parasites in animals that may contaminate the water you drink when they defecate into it.

Bacteria are removed from water using a water purification system such as a water filter or UV light purifier.

Best Water Filters to Remove Bacteria

BrandFilter TypeFeatures
BerkeyGravity-Fed FilterRemoves 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants; requires no electricity or plumbing; ideal for large groups and families.
SawyerSqueeze FilterRemoves 99.9% of bacteria, protozoa, and other contaminants; lightweight and compact; can filter up to 100,000 gallons of water.
LifeStrawPersonal FilterRemoves 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoa; lightweight and portable; ideal for individual use.
AquasanaCountertop FilterRemoves 99% of bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants; uses reverse osmosis technology; convenient and easy to use.
PURFaucet-Mounted FilterRemoves 99% of bacteria and other contaminants; attaches to your faucet and filters water directly from the source; easy to install and replace.

This table provides an overview of the best water filter brands and types to remove bacteria from water. Factors such as filter type, features, and overall effectiveness were considered when selecting these filters.

Viruses In Water

Viruses are a type of microorganism (a virus is a pre-cellular organism that infects a cell and uses it to reproduce). They are very small, much smaller than the bacteria that cause most waterborne illnesses.

Because they are so small, viruses can be spread through the use of contaminated food and water as well as breathing air that has been exposed to viruses. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu, measles, chicken pox and hepatitis. 

Many people don’t realize that these types of viruses can also be spread through water sources like lakes or rivers so this makes them an important thing to consider when purifying your drinking water.

Boiling your water will kill any bacteria present in it but boiling will not kill all viruses present in your water supply so if you want to remove all contaminants from your drinking source then you should invest in one of our filters which will remove not only bacteria but also many other types of contaminants including protozoa parasites worms sludge sediment rust dirt algae even asbestos fibers!

An emergency situation can happen anytime, and one of the most crucial things you need to consider is having access to clean water. Stay prepared and check out the best water purification tablets article for the most effective tablets to carry with you during emergencies.

Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic compounds are minerals, which are made up of elements that do not contain carbon. 

The majority of these will be found in your water source and may include fluoride, arsenic, lead and nitrate. When a substance is dissolved in water it’s referred to as a solution and if the solution contains more than one type of material it is called an electrolyte.

Inorganic compounds can be removed using various filters including ion exchange resins and activated alumina (AA). 

These filters use a process called ion exchange where they replace harmful ions with safe ones such as sodium or potassium ions by passing them through resin beads inside the filter. 

Activated AA filters work on a similar principle but instead use aluminum oxide particles to remove dangerous substances from your drinking water.

Best Water Filters to Remove Inorganic Compounds

BrandFilter TypeFeatures
AquasanaCountertop FilterUses reverse osmosis technology to remove 77 contaminants, including lead, mercury, and chlorine; provides clean and healthy drinking water.
BritaPitcher FilterUses activated carbon and ion-exchange resin to remove impurities such as chlorine, copper, and mercury; BPA-free and easy to use.
APEC Water SystemsUnder Sink Reverse OsmosisRemoves up to 99% of contaminants, including arsenic, fluoride, and lead; provides clean, refreshing water; high-capacity filters.
MultipureSolid Carbon Block FilterRemoves a wide range of contaminants, including lead, mercury, and volatile organic compounds; eco-friendly and easy to install and replace.
ZeroWaterPitcher FilterRemoves 99.6% of all dissolved solids, including lead and chromium; features a unique 5-stage water filtration process; comes with a water quality meter to test water purity.

This table highlights some of the best water filter brands and types to remove inorganic compounds, such as lead, mercury, and copper. Considerations such as the filter type, features, and overall effectiveness were taken into account when choosing these filters.

Organic Compounds

Organic compounds are molecules that contain carbon. They can be natural or man-made, beneficial or harmful to your health. Organic compounds can be found in water as well as food, soil and air around the world.

Natural organic matter (NOM): This is the type of organic matter found in nature such as leaves, roots and algae. 

NOM is naturally present in surface waters and groundwater sources throughout the world but it can also come from human activities such as agricultural runoff or point source discharges from sewer systems.

Pesticides: These are man-made chemicals used for killing insects or weeds on crops including corn, soybeans, cotton and fruit trees among others. 

Pesticides travel through our surface waters when they run off into drains after heavy rains like hurricanes or floods causing them to get into groundwater sources which may then cause illness if consumed directly by humans through drinking water supplies (ease this concern with a reverse osmosis system).

Access to clean water in your home is crucial for your health and well-being. Learn how to purify water at home with these simple ways that include using commonly available materials and equipment to purify tap water for consumption.

Lead In Drinking Water

Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can cause developmental delays in children, high blood pressure and kidney problems in adults. It’s often found in old pipes and plumbing systems, but it can also be found in some water sources like lakes or underground wells.

How much lead is safe to drink? The EPA says that if you have any amount of lead at all in your water, it’s unsafe to drink! However, the CDC says there are no safe levels of exposure when it comes to children and pregnant women. 

Lead poisoning can affect anyone who consumes contaminated water for several months or more; however, there are certain groups of people who are most likely to experience negative effects from lead exposure: infants under six months old; young children ages 6–7 years old; pregnant women; nursing mothers (since lead is stored in breast milk); people with kidney disease; and people with diabetes mellitus

Best Water Filters to Remove Lead in Drinking Water

BrandFilter TypeFeatures
AquasanaCountertop FilterUses reverse osmosis technology to remove up to 99% of lead and other contaminants; high-capacity filters last up to 6 months; easy to install and maintain.
ZeroWaterPitcher FilterRemoves 99.6% of all dissolved solids, including lead and chromium; comes with a water quality meter to test water purity; ideal for home use.
APEC Water SystemsUnder Sink Reverse OsmosisProvides clean and safe drinking water by removing up to 99% of contaminants, including lead and arsenic; easy-to-install system with long-lasting filters.
Big BerkeyGravity-Fed FilterCan remove up to 95% of lead and other heavy metals, bacteria, and contaminants, making it ideal for emergency preparedness; uses gravity for filtration, meaning it does not require electricity or plumbing.
BritaFaucet-Mounted FilterFeatures a 3-stage filtration process that reduces lead, chlorine, and other contaminants; an LED light indicates when to replace the filter; easy to install and use.

This table provides an overview of the best water filter brands and types to remove lead from drinking water. The filters were selected based on their effectiveness, filter type, and features, including filter lifespan, ease of installation, and overall convenience.

Pharmaceuticals In Drinking Water

Pharmaceuticals are a major problem in drinking water, and they’re often overlooked by the general public. 

We can all agree that pharmaceuticals (which include medications, supplements, and hormones) should be in your body but when it comes time to drink some H2O, you want those unwanted chemicals out of there!

Here’s how pharmaceuticals enter our drinking water and ways that you can reduce the risk:

Pharmaceutical drugs and personal care products (such as deodorant) are excreted through urine and feces into sewage systems. 

From there they get treated at wastewater treatment plants before being released back into nearby waterways. When these contaminants reach rivers or streams they can contaminate groundwater supplies.

Effluent from wastewater treatment plants contains higher concentrations than what is found in natural waterways due to dilution factors such as runoff from rainwater or human waste disposal practices such as flushing unused drugs down toilets or disposing of medical items directly into drains rather than recycling bins provided by hospitals or clinics

Do you want to know more about water purification methods used by experts? Check out the top 15 water purification methods that can provide clean and safe water for you and your loved ones, especially during emergency situations.

Microplastics In Drinking Water

Microplastics are a serious problem, and they can be found in the water you drink. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that have been broken down by sunlight and waves. 

They come from all sorts of sources, including car tires and clothing fibers, facial scrubs and toothpaste. 

Even if you’re not ingesting plastics directly (through food), it’s likely that there are microplastics in your drinking water—and those particles can also be ingested by fish and other aquatic life.

Radioactive Contaminants In Drinking Water

In the event of a nuclear power plant failure or a dirty bomb attack, you may need to remove radioactive contaminants from your drinking water. 

The most common form of radiation we find in our homes and offices are gamma rays. These can be detected with a Geiger counter.

If you have one at home, try it out! Simply turn on your Geiger counter and listen for sounds that indicate the presence of radiation. 

If you don’t already have one, then here’s another reason why it might be worth investing in one: radioactive contamination can occur after an industrial accident or even something as mundane as paint stripper getting into your plumbing system (this actually happened to me once!).

Choosing the right water purification system can be hard, but do not worry because we are here to help. Our ultimate guide on choosing water purification systems provides a detailed look at what you need to consider before selecting the right water purification system for your needs.


We hope that this article has helped you to understand the basics of water purification. You can use it as a guide for buying your own system, or even just learn more about what you need to know before using public water sources. Remember that your health should always be your top priority!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you might find helpful to further your knowledge on the topic of water filtration and purification:

The 7-Question Checklist for Choosing a Water Filter for Disaster and Emergency provides a simple and effective checklist to help you choose a water filter that meets your needs during an emergency.

Water Filtration Preventative Maintenance is an informative article that discusses how to maintain a water filtration system to ensure that it functions properly and lasts longer.

Water Treatment: Backcountry is an expert advice article from REI that discusses water treatment methods suitable for the backcountry, including boiling, chemical treatments, and filtration systems.


What is the best way to purify water for emergencies?

The best way to purify water in emergencies is to use a combination of methods, such as boiling, chemical treatments, or portable water filters. Refer to the resources above to learn more about the most effective ways to purify water.

How often should I perform preventative maintenance on my water filtration system?

Preventative maintenance on your water filtration system should be performed regularly, preferably every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer. Check out the resource above for more information on how to perform preventative maintenance.

Can I drink water directly from a natural source in the backcountry?

No, it is not safe to drink water directly from a natural source like a stream or river in the backcountry without treating it first as it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Refer to the resource above to learn about effective water treatment methods for the backcountry.

What is the best portable water filter for backpacking?

The best portable water filter for backpacking depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the environment you will be hiking in. Refer to the resources above to learn about choosing a water filter for backpacking or camping.

How long do water purification tablets last?

The shelf-life of water purification tablets depends on the manufacturer and the specific type of tablet. Generally, they have a shelf-life of between three to five years if stored properly in a cool and dry place.